Horses and intelligence

in nature •  7 years ago  (edited)

It's a cliché to consider horses and, in general, all animals, just simple "beasts" and as such for them the term psychology can not used. False. The equine psychology exists despite the skepticism of many. Most people believe that horses are not so smart animals, unlike dogs and cats considered more capable of interaction.

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But what the term intelligence means? The intelligence is the set of all mental faculties that allow to understand things and events, to discover relationships between them and to get to conceptual and rational knowledge. In the human being it is perceived in the ability to solve a problem, to know how to read and write correctly, to be able to communicate fluently without making grammatical or lexical errors.

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The latter are all activities related to the intelligent being. To this, it adds the mnemonic capacity, the immediacy of response to stimuli and the information that is caught and stored on the fly. Being intelligent means also being able to learn, imitate and learn from them and so much more.

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Horses are very intelligent animals. They can understand human signals. Especially when they are still in early ages, horses learn to relate to the human being. The truth is very different. Hearing is definitely one of the most experienced in the horse. The man can stumble from the horse's ears movement whether he understands or not the command given. Horses are able to respond to straps, screams and words.

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Horses are animals that have been trained for centuries and, contrary to many rumors, they are not aggressive animals. Indeed, horses, just like dogs, appear to be protective animals against humans. They remember situations, they always do the same moves as they are trained, so we can affirm that what make different the horse from other animals is the great memory.
I know people that should might be advised to take a leaf from horses...

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Wow especially love the first image. your post is very nice.Thank you so much for sharing.


Sounds like you have horses of your own....

Adoro gli animali, la mia migliore amica ci lavora con i cavalli, è la ragazza che ho dipinto e messo nel post "My best friend"! Gli animali sono MOLTO intelligenti e non così contorti quanto la razza umana:-)....belle anche le tue foto

thank you for your nice photos

wonderfull natural photo.

Wow, what an interesting post from the Italian stallion!! Very imformative, I have followed you. I look forward to more intersting posts from you. See you, if you follow me @steemsausage!

I love these beautiful pictures! I especially love the first image. Thank you so much for sharing. Horses seem like very special animals. Glad to know they aren't aggressive. I have always thought of them as peaceful.

So cool!!
Nice view!!!

Nice! :D
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Hi, very good post. I am an animal lover too and would like to invite you to see my posts about wild animals: PolishDrdolittle.



I think global belief is changing as science proves facts about animal intelligence. But I think that everyone who observes animals in the wild knows they are still way more clever than what we scientifically know.
Great post, cheers from a french neighbor.

I thought that they have better smell that hearing, but looks I got that wrong :) @dorotea

Yes! "take a leaf from horses"!!! You will appreciate Santa Cruz (California) Horse & Heart, Lori Halliday, with whom I have had the privilege to work, inside the corral with children of all ages. These horses are especially magnificent in their spirit, for bringing solace to a troubled child.