Herbs Still Growing in My Garden!

in nature •  7 years ago  (edited)

Currently Happening in My Garden...


Various pots just waiting patiently for spring planting!


Cilantro peeking through the fall leaves.


Parsley - healthy and happy!


Sage with new growth!

We just had about 4 nights this past week where the overnight temps were below freezing - with one night going down to 9 degrees F.
These herbs are very sturdy!

I also have some rosemary, rue and lavender still alive and growing in my yard.

Have a wonderful day or night!
Spring will be here before we know it!

January 20, 2018


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very good

Wow you have real wonderful collection of herbs in your garden and I can feel such beautiful energy in your space. Dried sage is very good for energy cleansing and we get it very expensive in India.

I love new growth, it's the little promises of spring!

awesome! looks similar to what I have going on in the garden as well.
Got lavender, sage, rosemary, mustards, and spinach through the winter.

My (Moroccan and apple and spear) mint has been flooded pretty much non-stop, but fortunately it didn't mind: new growth noted today. Off to another rampant start! My Swiss and more fragile mint, however seems dead as a doornail - again. I don't get that: don't they have proper winters in Switzerland? I've only had two days of snow, really, so far (fingers crossed - not for more).

Yes, all of the mint should be quite hardy! I forgot my mint, but I looked at it today and it's still alive under some fall tree leaves. :)

you have got a good garden and nice photography thanx for sharing

Hi Friend!!!! Its like an early spring :) I have some parsley coming up which of course I thought was a weed :) I look forward to fresh herbs this year .. Its fun growing and using fresh herbs and it great that they are so easy to grow .. hard to destroy. Have a GREAT Sunday violetmed .. SUNSHINE247

Thank you and I hope you have a great Sunday also!

Good job taking care of your herbs. I've got sweet peas growing all over the place. Never knew some of these tender plants could continue to grow through a mild winter.

How wonderful, sometimes nature surprises us. I love all the herbs in your little garden. I lost most of my Lavender, but found one the other day and have been keeping it inside until it warms up a bit🐓

I love seeing your gardening posts so I can live vicariously until spring! This also reminds me that I have been meaning to plant some indoor herbs.

Glad you stopped by and yes that's a good idea about planting them indoors. I think my cat might try to eat them if I planted them indoors!

Back when I had cats they definitely tried to eat them and I gave up. But I just have two corgis now which makes it easier!

I just picked some cilantro from my garden today that somehow managed to survive the winter :)

Yea, that's great!

You are prepared!

very interesting pictures

The spring just started in your garden;) :)

Wow! You're doing something really great!!

Nice post

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