The rare gourmet fish in the darkness of the underwater waters

in nature •  7 years ago 

It looks terrible Yeah, with a huge face, colored teeth This mushy fishery bus is also in the dark darkness of the water The name of this species of Melanocetus is 'Black Sea Devil' This was the first videotapes caught on this fish But before that the 'Finding Nemo' series has been popular.

Recently, he caught 1900 feet deep in the Monterey Canyon in the US Central California coast. The picture of a woman Black Sea Devil, in a remote-powered vessel's camera

There is no special mention of this fish They are hunting with sharp teeth And ate a lot However, the rarest information is that men of this species are parasitic They cling to the wife's fish There the wife comes from the artery of the female fish During breeding, the sperm enters the body of a male-fish body Pictures of this 'Anglerfish' are already viral on the Internet.


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