NaturePhotoContest - Mountains Monday

in naturephotocontest •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is my entry to #naturephotocontest by @naturecontest.

Today's theme:#mountainsmonday.


This hill is called the Cerro Santa Ana, is located in the center of the paraguana peninsula, measures 830 meters above sea level and has an area of 1900 hectares. This day I took the picture was cloudy, the thermometer on the car was 27 degrees Celsius.

camera: celular Samsung Galaxi J1 Ace


Mountains Monday - #mountainsmonday
Trees Tuesday - #treestuesday
Water Wednesday - #waterwednesday
Textures Thursday - #texturesthursday
Flora and Fauna Friday - #floraandfaunafriday
Simple Sunday - #simplesunday

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Very good my friend you have done good job.🌹

thank you!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)
