WATER WEDNESDAY NATURE PHOTO CONTEST IS OPEN! Share your photos of water in nature in any shape or form!

in naturephotocontest •  7 years ago  (edited)


“Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.” ~ Lao Tzu

PHOTO CREDIT: https://www.pexels.com/photo/aerial-view-beach-beautiful-cliff-462162/

To participate, submit an original photo and a short description in the comments section of this post. The contest is open until tomorrow morning, 9:00 AM EST, March 1. By entering this contest, you agree to have your photo featured in a post the following day, and automatically entered in the weekly and monthly nature photo contests, should it be a winner. For a detailed and updated description of the contest, please check the Introduction Post.

The judge for today’s contest is Adrian Szatewicz (@photovisions). Originally from Poland, Adrian loved the outdoors since he was a child growing up in the neighborhood of a lake, river, forest, and fields. His passion for nature followed him into adulthood. Adrian currently lives in Norway, and enjoys photographing the beauty of nature, especially the wild landscapes of the North.

If you haven’t yet, check out a beautiful gallery of mountains photography this week’s Mountains Monday winners has brought you! Upvote and share if you enjoy it – this will help increase the rewards for these gifted photographers so they can continue sharing their talent with you!

Mountains Monday
Trees Tuesday (current judge: @caseygrimley)
Water Wednesday (current judge: @photovisions)
Time-lapse Thursday (upcoming judge: @derekkind)
Flora and Fauna Friday (upcoming judge @sjarvie5)
Simple Sunday (upcoming judge @yumyumseth)

The TREES TUESDAY WINNERS will be announced in another post today, stay tuned!!

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A three shot panorama of the Natural Bridge. It is a naturally formed rock arch over Cave Creek, a tributary of the Nerang River. It was formed from a waterfall which undercut a cave beneath the waterfall and dug a pothole on top, until the two joined and the creek flowed through the cave, leaving an arch across the front. The bridge is located in Springbrook National Park in the Gold Coast hinterland of Queensland, Australia. The park is situated on the McPherson Range, near Springbrook, approximately 100 kilometres (62 mi) south of Brisbane. The park is part of the Shield Volcano Group of the UNESCO World Heritage listed Gondwana Rainforests of Australia.

Image taken by and remains the Copyright of Robert Downie - http://www.robertdowniephotography.com

Thank you for your submission!

Thanks for great entry! I really like how different colours the same water has depending of the light source... beautiful and mysterious.

Yes. The colour dichotomy is a result of the direct green rainforest reflections contrasting with the subtle blue from preferential scattering of short-wavelength light as it hits the the waterfall mist and has to travel down quite a deep shaft (this is the same reason the sky is blue from the water vapor in the atmosphere) .

Totaly true, thanks for great info!

CONGRATULATIONS on being a WINNER in the WATER WEDNESDAY Nature Photo Contest! Please see the Announcement Post.

Wow thanks !

CONGRATULATIONS on being a WINNER in the WATER WEDNESDAY Nature Photo Contest! Please see the Announcement Post.


It's water wednesday! Do you SUP? I took this picture on Vancouver island near Comox. Friends of ours have a house there and it's a great place for stand up. The bay never gets too many waves and the tide moves in really slowly so the water can get a bit warmer (good for if you fall in). I love being out on the water - it's so peaceful and a great place to just be with your own thoughts.


Thanks for the submission!

Dreamy place for all kind of water sports and probably fishing as well. Calm atmosphere of late evening (or early morning?) is great shown here. Yellow paddle boat is perfect contrast for the rest. Thanks a lot for submission.

Thank you Shadalene to remind me to put the picture here as well, This morning (belgium) I think you did not have the new contest out yet :-)

this picture is taken in New Zealand, we did a trip to go and swim with dolphins, but the dophins had babys, so we did not go, because they can be very protective and there for can be dangerous. Later on we went in the sea anyway, because there were no dolphins when we got this beautifull present, they chose to come and swim with us. It was amazing! I hope you enjoy.
click to see the full image.

You're welcome, and thank you for your submission!
P.S. I've updated the contest rules, so the daily contests are now open for 24 hours. Hopefully this will make it easier for photographers around the world to submit their photos! :) Really appreciate your support of this contest!

It was no problem, As long as I have the blog I will not forget to place it. :-) i like it!

Dolphins - I had oportunity to touch this amazing animals one time in my life - this close meeting will stay in my memory for a lifetime! Beautiful, magical creatures. Thanks a lot for entry!

it is my pleasure, and I share your enthusiasm, thanks for your reaction!


Canon 40D, Tokina 10-17 mm. Red sea, Egypt.

The ocean is a whole world, another planet. It is populated by amazing creatures. For us, for people living in a different world, every new encounter with marine life is an incredible miracle and brings a lot of positive emotions. But each time we need to remember that we are only guests in the underwater world and we must be very careful to enter it.

Thank you for your submission!

Thank you very mach for this contest!

Thanks for great entry shot! This is pure magic of underwater world. This sea turtles are so slow and heavy on tha land but in their kingdom, they move like an angels. Nice.

Great description for this picture! Many thanks!!!

CONGRATULATIONS on being a WINNER in the WATER WEDNESDAY Nature Photo Contest! Please see the Announcement Post.

Salmon Fisher's boat

Clam Gulch is a small (176 people as of the 2010 census) city on the western side of the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska. This is the beach that my friend her and her family have used for generations to fish for salmon. This picture was taken in June at 10:30pm in the evening. It was my first time experiencing a sunset that late at night. Alaska was gorgeous and this beach in particular.

Optional Text

Thanks for your submission!

Lonely boat in open seas... this is motive which always looks great, here with these very gentle light and colors brings a dreamy mood and calm atmosphere. Thanks a lot for entry!

Here's my entry for WaterWednesday. I photographed this from a helicopter with the door removed. It was on the way to a commercial photo shoot where I was going to be photographing a silver mine in Nevada from the air. I figured I needed to "warm up" the camera on the way to the silver mine. Glad I did...

Lake Tahoe Aerial.jpg
click for larger view

This image and more info on my latest post here.

Thanks for your submission!

Amazing seascape and display of how many different colors the sea water can have, depending of depth, sea bottom structure, lighting conditions and probably ten other things :). Thanks for Your entry shot!

No problem, thank you for hosting the contest! I realize now that I forgot to write that this is Lake Tahoe.

CONGRATULATIONS on being a WINNER in the WATER WEDNESDAY Nature Photo Contest! Please see the Announcement Post.

WooHoo! Thank you!!!

Nature Photo Contest: Water WednesdayB034F0C5-1930-41D0-B94D-9087F47AFD30.jpeg
Hiking the far side of the McKensey River in Oregon. You have to bushwhack a little more but it’s worth it, as the river views are stunning.

I really love the mountain streams - cold, fresh, pure, noisy, powerfull, colorful, living... Great contrast between the green and light blue colors. Thanks for entry!

Thank you for your submission!

Motion in Blue_DSC5847-Edit_1000px.jpg
Click image to view in full screen

I found this interesting rock formation on the Cordoama beach and had struggled to find the right position on the wet stones, wiping the lens, covering my camera from splashes and trying to capture the contrast between the motion of water and stillness of rock.

Thank you for your submission!

Yes, I know this picture very well :). Great long exposure of waves, incoming water has amazing colours. Sea shore is always amazing place to search for such beautiful views. Thanks for entry!

Wow! I just realized you are the jury for this contest. What a coincidence! ))

Surprise!! ;) Great photo deserve to be shared and shown.

CONGRATULATIONS on being a WINNER in the WATER WEDNESDAY Nature Photo Contest! Please see the Announcement Post.

This is my water picture. Captured in a middle of the Estonia. Main goal was to picture stars but i found an awesome place with a small lake.I dont know the lake´s name. It was in a middle of forest basically in the middle of nowhere. Oh and i heard that big bears live in this location, it was a little scary as well being there. image

Thanks for the submission!

Thanks for submission. Beautiful night sky, I really wish to see more water on this one, because the reflections could make amazing effect.

Yes reflextions are amazing. Unfortunately in this spesific place reeds were really high on the coast. I maxed out my tripod in height and this is the most water i could get on the shot.

Here is my calming seaside photo, shot last year in July at Christchurch, UK. Everytime I look at it it makes me calm. Do you feel similar?

Thanks for your submission!

The horizon of open seas... nothing more I could say. Beauty in its simplicity! Thanks a lot for entry shot.

This beautiful green waterfall is part of the Allerheiligen Falls in the northern part of the Blackforest in south Germany. They are also called Büttensteiner Falls and consist of 7 parts with a total height of 66 meters.

Schwarzwald Deutschland 6 Kopie-3.jpg

Thank you for your submission!

Beautiful forest falls, long expo is perfect to show the beauty of moving water. Thanks a lot for this one!

CONGRATULATIONS on being a WINNER in the WATER WEDNESDAY Nature Photo Contest! Please see the Announcement Post.

A shot of a near by lake in the town. This is my favourite place to hangout as there is lot of wild life visible here , ducks, swans, monkeys and numerous species of birds. This is my entry for the contest.


Thank you for your submission!

Water is magical element - it reflects the light and shapes in many different ways creating interesting textures and lights. Thanks a lot for entry for contest.

Yeah water completes earth and its beauty. Thanks for the such nice words :)

This is a photo I took the other day while going for a walk in Capilano Canyon Park in North Vancouver.DSC08046.JPG

Thank you for your submission!

Really nice view on winter landscape with long exposure of flowing river waters. I like the composition. Thanks a lot!

Frozen mist from the raging waterfall on the overlook at Sol Duc Falls in the Olympic National Forest.


Fantastic creation ,ade by freezing water. Looks great! Thank You for entry!


This image was created on the island of Silhouette, Seychelles. The island is locate 45 minutes boat driving from island Mahé, and Victoria is the capital city of the Seychelles archipelago in the Indian Ocean.
Nature did a magic thing. The rain was a few miles from the shore, in the middle of the ocean. We enjoyed the warmth of the sun, and the beautiful scene that was created - Rainbow.

Magical beauty created by water, air and light working together. Lovely view! Thanks for Your entry!

CONGRATULATIONS on being a WINNER in the WATER WEDNESDAY Nature Photo Contest! Please see the Announcement Post.

Thank you! :)

Photo 13-12-2016, 12 25 29 AM.jpg

Walking through the sand of that beach was nice, but the way the waves were breaking on the cliffs was so harsh, that we didn't even think about taking a bath.

One of our dogs started running up the dunes though, and we thought she had seen something to chase. We went after her, climbing up the gradient and steady hill towards the back of that virgin beach. We climbed a couple of rocks, and followed her through some very impressive twists in the given and washed out pathway. We arrived at the end of the rockiest part of the beach, only a few seconds before she jumped into a pond of salty water, deep and wide like a lake. The water was low, and we could see the color of the rocks surrounding us.

In a strange way, we felt small and insignificant, and protected at the same time. Finally, we had found the way to enjoy a piece of nature that was left alone for the most part. Clean and peaceful. And when we left, the world was not the same anymore.

Thank you for your submission!

This is my entry for today. When we were driving in the summer of 2016 on Highway 1 from Los Angeles to San Francisco, we saw such a beautiful views. This photo was taken at Willow Creek Beach, with a beautiful view on the Pacific ocean.
The dry landscape merging with the ocean.
In the same area, the elephant seals were sunbathing...


Thanks for your submission!

Aaaaah, the amazing power of the ocean... waves which hit the rocky shores - I love this kind of views - could watch it for hours in real time. Thanks a lot for this beauty!

Thanks, me too. It's really relaxing to see water moving. Especially the waves are so nice

The sight and a distant sound of a living ocean...

marchish 168.jpg
I am actually on steemit in time to enter this contest today! My entry is a long exposure from Panther Beach in California. This beach is part of the Coastal Diaries State Park just north of Santa Cruz. The park is filled with amazing cliffs and beaches and is my favorite spot for coastal photography in Santa Cruz county. I am considering going here again today for sunset. I have the day off and I am thinking of going to Big Basin to shoot some old growth redwoods, then heading to the coast for sunset. If I head out of Big Basin to the south and try to cut to the coast I will end up on Bonny Dune road which intersects Highway 1 right at this park. My daily itinerary feels a bit like TMI right now and I apologize for that but I was struggling to come up with 75 words!

Thank you for your submission!
P.S. I've updated the contest rules, so the daily contests are now open for 24 hours. Hopefully this will make it easier for photographers to submit their photos! :)

Oh good deal! Thank you for adjusting that, 9pm EST is 6pm for me and I often don't go on steemit until after that.

You're welcome, still figuring out how to make this work best. :) I'll post a discussion soon to get more feed-back from you all.

@fivealive55, I've also eliminated the word count (as of Tuesday..) :)

Awesome! That helps me out because I can really struggle to come up with words sometimes.

:) I want to make the contest fun for everyone, so I'm glad if this helps. Keep submitting those awesome photos! I'll post a blog soon asking for feed-back, and we can all discuss ways to improve it.

Quick comment - great view and very well done long exposure! Like it! Thanks a lot!

CONGRATULATIONS on being a WINNER in the WATER WEDNESDAY Nature Photo Contest! Please see the Announcement Post.

I went for a walk right after a nice rain and came across this reflective puddle! I love using reflections to give a different perspective of nature.
(click for full-size)

Thank you for your submission!

Nice one! artistic look at water's posiibility to reflect the surrounded world. Very creative! Thanks a lot for entry!

CONGRATULATIONS on being a WINNER in the WATER WEDNESDAY Nature Photo Contest! Please see the Announcement Post.

This maybe a liberal interpretation of the theme, but as you said in the title, water can come in many shapes and forms.

I climbed this mountain in Thailand in a torrential rainstorm. As I reached the summit, the rain finally relented and gave me a chance to take some photos. It took just a few minutes for the tropical sun to begin reinstating its authority. As it did so, thick clouds of mist rose up out of the surrounding landscape. The jungle was steaming, and I was finding a new definition for the word humid.

Click here to see the full post.

Yes, creativity is welcome in this contest! :)
Thanks for your submission!

Yes indeed - water has so many forms and so many shapes... You strike the subject from different side which I really like! Steam, fog, clouds... All is visible here very well! Thanks a lot for great entry!

CONGRATULATIONS on being a WINNER in the WATER WEDNESDAY Nature Photo Contest! Please see the Announcement Post.


Here is my entry fir the waterwednesday contest,
IT is the Tarragona beach 🏝 where you can eat fresh fish 🐟 and seafood right out of the sea 🌊
The beach is calm and not busy and crowded.

Thank you for your submission!

I missed this link sooner , thanks 😊

Beautiful beach line. I miss summer time already... Thanks for Your entry.
One tip for You - try to keep the horizon line always straight - it will improve Your photos in future!

Thank you for the tip :)

I took this photo when a was traveling in the Colombian Amazon region. At that time, we were going by boat to our house in the jungle through the wide amazon river. I was interested in capturing the pretty sunset and the stele that the boat left on the water while we were moved quickly

kkk (6 of 6).jpg
Link steemit: https://steemit.com/photography/@dabird/photography-way-home-camino-a-casa-by-dabird

Thank you for your submission!

Really like the shapes on the foreground, minimal composition and the colours of water. Thanks a lot for entry shot!!

beautiful waterfall that i found by the road. It was hard to reach but it was worth risking :)


Thank you for your submission!

Indeed, many the best places are hard to reach, but the troubles are very well rewarded most of cases - like in this shot! Here we can see mostly two colors, green and white - but how great they look together! As I am saying many times, simplicity is a key to success :) Thanks a lot for this beauty!

Does ice count? If so, here's my submission:


This is a shot of some ice shards on a frozen river in Applegate, Oregon. I thought it was rather surreal looking up close.

If this doesn't count for Water Wednesday, I have plenty of other options :)

Of course ice counts! I was hoping for a variety of takes on water! :)
Thanks for the submission.

Ice totaly counts! Love such icy structures! Have a lot also in my collection. Water is most creative element :). Thanks for entry.

CONGRATULATIONS on being a WINNER in the WATER WEDNESDAY Nature Photo Contest! Please see the Announcement Post.

Water flow texture
Water flow texture. Life!

Thank you for your submission!

Almost hear the sound of rushing water. Thanks a lot for Your entry!!

Simply amazed! Great photo!

Not my own.. see the credit link. ;) I agree though.

Ooops :) I was so struck by it, that i did not see it. Sorry :D

Glad to hear I made a good choice! :) I updated that section to make it more visible..