RE: Waterfall of light 📸

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Waterfall of light 📸

in naturephotography •  7 years ago 

Me and my children love your photo please make more. This picture Is all about what nature has to share ; unconditional love. Th20180410_125358.jpgank you for putting a smile on our faces C_Users_Political Cartoonist_AppData_Local_Packages_Microsoft.SkypeApp_kzf8qxf38zg5c_LocalState_842a765a-067d-4498-a5ba-0c70cac34559.jpg20180514_111823.jpgdownload_20180510_093038.jpg

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Your family is lovely, @thcanthony! I am happy that you and your children like my pictures. I'll keep posting, I promise ;)