I am pretty sure Twitter/Google/Facebook would call me a NAZI. well yes I am a National Socialist. I believe every nation should be National Socialist, have their own bank, their own sovereignty etc. I am proud then to be a NAZI. But their algorithms are written by jews. Jews hate National Socialism because it means kicking out their sugar-daddy the Rothschild Central Banking System. Its ironic Nazis therefore are called racist, why don't any of you bother one day to read MEIN KAMPF, then you will know Hitler and his ideology of National Socialism for every nation. Sovereignty for every nation. None of you have bothered to read MEIN KAMPF. You have been brainwashed into not reading it. ALex Jones calls SOROS a Nazi because he help evaluate jewish homes after their expulsion. IF you read the TRANSFER AGREEMENT hitler made with the Rothschilds then you would know all these possessions were going to be sold to pay for the deportation and repatriation of the Jews to their PROMISED LAND, PALESTINE. The way history has been lied to us is a disgust and if I lived in the US I would have a gun handy I would already be out of here. I can't hand this shite any longer. Hitler was a ZIONIST. Look up how the British torpedoed the STRUMA fleeing for Palestine to tell the Germans YOU WILL NOT SEND JEWS TO PALESTINE. One jew on that boat, a masterful swimmer and athlete swam to shore to tell everyone what had happened. At first the British denied it and said it was the Russians. There were only two submarines in that region at the time. Russian and British. Recently they British finally admitted they did it. WE NEED TO KNOW THE TRUTH OF HISTORY SO THAT NO NATION EVER COMES TO WAR AGAIN. IF WE DO NOT KNOW THE TRUTH OF HISTORY THEN WE ARE DOOMED IN ITS REPETITION. THE JEWS, WHO HAVE MASTERFULLY PARADED AS THE GREAT VICTIMS OF THE LAST CENTURY NEED TO ANSWER ALOT. AND THE YOUNG JEWS OF TODAY I BELIEVE THEY WILL COME TO THE TRUTH BECAUSE THE TRUTH IS GOD. AND GOD IS THE TRUTH.
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