Another season is upon us although I've always liked watching my Pittsburgh Steelers play every Sunday at Heinz Field my favorite type of football
has always been collegiate the egos are usually reduced to a tiny fraction of their professional counterparts and it just feels like this is how football is supposed to be played needless to say
I was extremely excited when I learned that I would get to review one of these games this is that game this is NCAA football 12 now right off the bat I need to let you all know that this is
not some gigantic leap from one year to the next with NC double-a football 12 and if you played a previous title you're pretty much ready to go controls are fairly simple it's pretty much what
you'd expect with the face buttons passing the triggers running and pitching sticks or kicking etc but these feel fairly smooth and compares them with some past games with the
players reacting pretty realistically with each button press no longer will quarterback be able to throw off an 80 yard touchdown pass as he's being sacked since this is the most recent
installment in the NC double-a football it also comes as no surprise this is the best looking game in the series faces will go a lot better than past versions of the game and this doesn't
just apply to the players the crowds actually look a lot better to offering more emotion than ever before now they don't look perfect they don't look human but it's a step in the right
direction oh and the Texas Longhorns mascot DeVos in the game and that automatically makes it a little bit better that cows awesome in addition to the play now and dynasty modes offered
in the game nc double foot ball 12 also offers a road to glory mode that allows the player to play out their college football fantasies you can either pick an existing player or mak
e your own but the existing players are all given random names to make it a little more personal in this mode and there really isn't a way around that I mean NC double-a athletes aren't allowed to have their names used
in video games but it's a little bit strange to have these random names just tacked on to the end this road to glory mode actually gets it right when compared to other ea football games in
the past you'd feel pretty helpless when you start it off mostly due to the decision to show a very small portion of the field on the screen but NC double-a football doesn't do that
instead you're giving control just one player but you're able to see a good chunk of the field while doing so it's small but it's still one of the most significant additions that ei made this
year now through all of this there is a problem with NC double-a football 12 although this is the most realistic game that EA has ever released in the series it just feels like too much I
really think this is becoming a growing problem in the industry and I know that there are many gamers that really like to feel like they're standing on the field but it seems like it's coming at
the cost of fun and I didn't actually feel this way about Madden 11 which was released less than a year ago last year's pro football games simplified the experience down and made it a blast
they let the player enjoy themselves instead of focusing on a bunch of little details but NCW a football 12 just seems like it's focusing a little too much on realism and a little less
on what it's supposed to be a game they're five wide receivers split out the quarterback in the gun he gets another character got two touchdowns on the ground of it.