OBE - Have you had an Out of Body Experience?

in nde •  5 years ago  (edited)

So about 5 years ago, I started writing a story where this guy died in a freak car accident, and the trauma thrust him out of his body so quickly, he hovered over the scene for awhile before he realized that he was the one lying on the ground as the paramedics came and tried to resuscitate him. Eventually they pulled him back and managed to revive him. And the story was about how he came back with this gift to jump to the metaphysial sphere at will. So the CIA recruited him to do some international espionage, and then he was enlisted in an astral army and fought with spirit warfare, and it was super cool....anyway. It was kind of a fun story idea to develop.

Until someone told me that there was a such thing as astral projection, and the CIA did actually have astral espionage. I stopped talking to them after they told me that. I literally was like, "Um....OK? Bye now."

But then, I met someone later on who says they astral project. And again, I was like, "Wait, I thought you were cool. And normal. And now? Not so sure." Then I reconnected with an old college roommate from like 20 years ago who said she astral projected. And so...well...of course I Googled it. And The Google says it's real. So who am I to question?

And then I discovered that apparently NDE, OBE, and Astral Projection can help with the following:

  • assist in helping you develop a higher sense of self
  • help you develop a greater love for humanity
  • help you have a deeper understanding of who you really are
  • aid in decision making
  • amplify your ability to manifest

And that got me thinking. I've got some important decisions I'm trying to tackle. And I've been using meditation and prayer a lot. But what if...I mean, you know, what if I could just like bust out of the bod and just tap into the astral sphere and come back all beefed up on spiritual self and knowing the answers and stuff?

So My questions are these:

  1. Should I give it a try?
  2. Have any of you done it?
  3. What's it like for you?
  4. Did you crap your pants?
  5. Is it actually real, or just some cool notion?
  6. What method do you recommend?
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I have more questions than I do answers. So how does it work? Do you purchase a kit somewhere and bam you are outside your body? What if you leave and when you come back someone else jumped into your body cause they needed somewhere to stay?

Is it possible to rent out your space (body) like an air b&b? That way people passing through could stay overnight.

Ha ha ha ha! I know, right?

Yes, the kit can be purchased for the limited time only price of $49.95, if you act now!

I don't really know enough to say. Just google it. Actually, youtube it. There are a lot of people who've done it. But you have to have the right frame of mind, and a higher purpose, or it might be weird. Actually, who am I kidding. It's just plain weird. K?

I will look it up. Personally I will abstsin from the trip lol. Would be fun to write about.

Well, if I ever do something like that, I'll be sure and post about it.

Please keep me in the loop if you do.

Will do. And by "loop" do you mean the ACTUAL loop, or just, you know, the loop?

The actual steemit loop but if you shoukd take an unexpected trip you are welcome to drop by.

Hmmmm. Will do.