The vanished need is a terminated need. Need is given beyond any actual satisfaction, and as such insatiable need, it is a vain need, there for it is a need for noting after all. The very internal structure of need makes it disappear, and so need runs its course in order not to deliver what is needed – a good – but simply to be abandoned out of frustration. In such a frame is given the paradoxical completion of any need as simply left off; yet at the same time, a need is need only in the persistent process of needing. Need stops and then starts again in order to stop yet again. In the constantly repeated reiteration of this process, need is established as a sequence of needs that reveals every given need as a diminishing need.
Historical Backdrop
• GUATAMA BUDDHA The Sermon at Benares and Dhammapada: nirvana.
• ARTUR SCHOPENHAUER The World as Will and Idea: denial of the will.
• FRIEDERICH NIETZSCHE The Antichrist: decadence.