How to cast on for combination knitting and western knitting

in needlecraftmonday •  7 years ago  (edited)


Yesterday I wanted to proceed with a knitted lace shirt which will be a gift for my mother. I had to cast on 123 stitches and because I do not like to count, casting on is not a beloved activity. But I did it… or so I thought while watching the cable of the knitting needles becoming unscrewed. All my 123 stitches tumbled of the needle and I had to curse violently start again.


This time all went well, and I knitted the first row of the lace pattern only to notice that I must have made a mistake with the pattern… you know what I had to do: ripping everything out.
Ok third time is the charm, but wait, I never made it to the third casting on, I did something different instead. I made two short videos to explain how to cast on for different knitting styles. And because I and many of you like to crochet I explain a method where you can use a crochet hook.
But firstly, I should explain why you need different methods to cast on.

The difference of western and eastern stitch mount in knitting

(By the way, I have no idea why the knitting styles are named after geographic directions, this is so imprecise, because people knit in such diverse styles completely independent from there geographical origin)

A live knitted stitch consist of a loop wish reaches around the needle. In knitting this loop is described as having two legs. The front leg is the part of the stitch which you are looking at while knitting. The leading leg is the part of the stitch which is slightly nearer to the tip if the needle. Western knitting is defined as having the leading leg in front and in eastern knitting the leading leg is in the back.

But for the different knitting styles it is not only important which leg is back or front, but also where you insert your needle: In western knitting you insert the needle in the front leg, in the eastern style you use the back leg.
There are more differences between the knitting styles like in which direction you wrap the yarn and from which side the needle enters the stitch, but for casting on you just need to know if you want the leading leg in front or back.

Casting on

If I want to knit simply flat (not in the round) in stockinette you need to cast on in such a way that:

  • for the western method the leading leg is in front
  • for the eastern method the leading leg is in the back
  • for my preferred method of combination knitting the leading leg is also in the back

In the videos you can see how to cast on and how to knit the first row.

Western knitting

Eastern knitting

While using the crochet cast on you have just one small difference which decides how the stitch is mounted on the needle, namely if you have the yarn in front of the knitting needle (eastern) or in the back (western) while you grab it with your crochet hook.
For casting on I normally use a one size bigger crochet hook than knitting needle.
By the way, the advantage of the crochet cast on is, that you do not need to know how much yarn you will use for the cast on like for the long tail cast on and I think it is easier for people who recently transitioned from crochet.
If you want to share your preferred casting on method or have questions – I would be happy to talk about knitting 😊

You may think: Woah… so many words and theory just for the cast on (and there are countless more methods to cast on) But in my view it is so helpful to really understand the process of knitting, because so I can always adapt my style according to what is most comfortable, fast, or neat.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Huh, Very cool way to cast on...I will give it a try. Thank you!

I think I never got to comment on your Eastern/Western knit pearl, but I do both like you do. My grandmother taught me, and I have no clue where she learned...but she is right handed, and I am left handed. It was hours sitting across from her to mirror what she did. She was very patient :)

I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to learn knitting with a mirrored movement... I sometimes try to crochet left handed but fail miserly. I learned knitting from my mom, but when I was younger I was totally uninterested in crafts (sadly)

It was tedious learning, to say the least, but I am so glad now that my grandmother was insistent. She used to tell me that the world can change, but we will always need shoes and clothing, so I needed to learn how to make them. She lived through the depression, so had a strong need to make sure we could create what we needed to survive, no matter what.

I think it doesn't matter when we learn, and even if you failed miserably before, you still got the basis for learning now...and you are doing very well :)

Thank you!!!! I try my best :-D

This is so great .. you are stimulating me to want to do some more crochet or is so relaxing.
Resteemd :)

thank you so much 💕💕 I was so not relaxing while uploading the videos, because our internet connection wasn’t stable and then I used the wrong first tag and can’t change it... perhaps I should better knit a little bit more 😂😂

This is really helpful for me, thanks for the detailed videos!

Today I ate some carrot cake (sadly not home made) but I had to think of you and your beautiful baking!

Oh, it's so nice!!! I am baking carrot cupcakes just now, the scent is throughout the house) If you're going in my town - a must visit)

This is really interesting, thank you. We were discussing eastern and western knitting yesterday at the knitting group (about half the knitters are using the eastern style). I want to learn how to do it, so this is an excellent introduction.

Thank you and wow: you have a knitting group! I don't know why, but although I live in a big city, here are no such groups. The only one is in a yarn shop and you have to by their yarn if you want to participate. I started to knit with western continental (not so long ago) and my knitting was not very neat, so I researched and tried out different styles. I now knit combination and so far I like it much more then westenr or eastern style :-D
What style do you prefer?

I have only tried English knitting (is that western knitting?). My dad taught me when I was about seven, so my knitting may be a bit eccentric!

Yes I think so :-) English and continental are both use western oriented stitches, but English knitters hold the yarn in their right hand and contintental in their left....
But eccentric knitting is the best :-D

Thank you for explaining I still haven’t got a clue about knitting with needles but I really will have to have a go so I’ll be following you so I can keep track for future

Happy I could inspire you a little bit :-D I only started a year ago, prior to that I only did crochet and would never have guessed that I could also like knitting :-D

@neumannslava I hadn't seen either of these methods before so I learnt something new again. Thank you !

After seeing your beautiful scarf project I cannot believe this. You are so accomplished in knitting!!! But perhaps the crochet cast is not so widely used?

Thank you for the compliment @neumannsalva... Actually I now just tend to use the cable cast on method because I then don't have to worry about having enough yarn to cast on using the long tail cast on method, which is the one my mum taught me :). I find the cable cast on looks neat - have you used it?

sadly not, I tried the long tail cast on but did not like it and after this I always used the crochet method. I had no idea about cable cast on (I will watch the video and learn 😄) Thank you !!

Great instructional videos, @neumannsalva! This is incredibly helpful for people who are new to knitting. Happy #NeedleworkMonday!

Thank you so much! I am myself fairly new in knitting and I would have liked to have such videos for combination knitting (perhaps there are some, but I did not find them) I always casted on with western stiches, but as I wrote above, you need eastern stitches for combination knitting. Now I know 😀

Thank you for taking the time to explain the differences. I did not know that there were 2... directions... to knitting!

Happy you liked it and yes, as a new knitter I found there were so many different knitting styles... it was a mystery for me

I did not even imagine that there are two of these kinds. now I need to understand what kind of knitting I'm knitting :)

It was the same with me. But I researched knitting styles, because I did not liked the method which I had learned (and never used ;-D) as a child. There are so many variations... in which hand to hold the yarn, if you pick the yarn or throw it. How to insert the needle in the stitch etc.... Crochet is so straight forward in comparison.

Once again some great instructional videos you have here! I am loving all of the knitting tips and tricks I have stashed away now. Thank you for sharing these different methods with us and for the explanations.

I can imagine how frustrating that was casting on 123 stitches and then having to start over. I got frustrated after casting on 15 stitches, getting to the fifth row and loosing my place. I started over three times until I gave up and put knitting away for a minute. I plan to get back to it in a few weeks.

I did the same as you (putting it away :-D)... but it is a present and I get such a bad conscience if I wait to long. The next time I try this project I will use markers between the pattern repeats and hope this will help.

Thanks for that tip! I’ll have to try the stitch markers!!

ahhh, I accidentally gave you an 80% instead of a 100% upvote!
I admire your skills in crafting and art so much.

Knitt on :)

It is lovely you vote for my post and es macht gar nichts mit wieviel :-D Ich hab grad auf Grund der ganzen Strick/Häkel post kaum noch voting power und muss, um halbwegs gerecht alle die ich mag zu liken, völlig runtergehen. Also: ich freue mich von dir zu hören egal mit wieviel Prozent <3