Traveling with My Needlework

in needleworkmonday •  5 years ago 

I am traveling again today and I brought my needlework project with me. If this yarn could talk, it would tell stories about traveling through airports waiting to be worked. It would talk about how often it is packed into some hand luggage in hopes that it would finally get the opportunity to be turned into a masterpiece.


It would also talk about its frustration at having to wait until it’s owner found time to pick it up again after working on never ending home repair projects.

Waiting on a flight at the gate can be very relaxing when you have some needlework to finish. I don’t see anyone else working with yarn or needles in my vicinity. People are reading on their telephones, laptops or tablets. Some are watching television on the monitors provided by the airlines.

I on the other hand am patiently working on my cowl before the winter turns to spring. Hopefully it will be finished so that I can wear it this season.

Enjoy your day.


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Kitting or crocheting while travelling is great for lengthening the battery life of your mobile devices ;)

You're right. I was one of the few people not looking for a plug or charging station. 😊