
in neighbors •  6 years ago 

We have had two consecutive smoke filled summers up here that made it difficult to breathe. Still not enough to deter my neighbor from burning yard waste. There is unlimited areas to compost around and he would rather burn it. Another neighbor called the fire department on him a few months back, I’ve asked him several times not to fill my yard & house with smoke, yet still he burns.


It’s good to be conscientious of your environment & neighbors. Does anyone like to breathe smoke?

Do I:

A) ask nicely again

B) call the fire department like my other neighbor

C) walk over there, say nothing & proceed to piss on the fire

D) ask him for a video interview of his landscaping clearing philosophies


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Not sure! But at least he can never complain if you're 'burning one down' and your smoke bothers him.

E) do nothing, continue smoking weed & making pointless online complaints

I picked E!

Perhaps Gentle pressure from all angles.

Don't go on his property, you could get in trouble. we had a vinyl siding guy move into our old neighborhood he would burn all the vinyl cuttings every Saturday; never mind everyone told him it stunk, etc.; never mind you were having family over for a picnic. So a few people Called the township and they came out and threatened to fine him. He eventually moved on and sold the place to someone much more considerate.

They’re nice people, me too, so it’s no problem to talk to them. I just don’t understand the thinking

That's because they're NOT thinking. They're being inconsiderate.

Burning vinyl is insane !

i know right.

Do the local police or fire department actually do anything if you call them up? If they don't ... then I think I'd pick "C" for shits and giggles. haha lol

I think they come out & talk to them if u call, but haven’t tried it. I know they come if the neighbors call them on me 😂