Grammy-winning vocalist musician Neil Diamond has reported his retirement from visiting because of his current conclusion of Parkinson's ailment.

In light of his specialists' recommendation, the third leg of Diamond's 50th Anniversary visit, set to arrive in Australia and New Zealand this March, has been crossed out.
"It is with extraordinary hesitance and disillusionment that I report my retirement from show visiting," he said in an announcement on Monday.
"I have been so respected to convey my shows to general society for as long as 50 years. My sincerest statements of regret to everybody who bought tickets and were intending to go to the up and coming shows.
"I intend to stay dynamic in composing, recording and different tasks for quite a while to come.
"My much gratitude goes out to my dependable and gave gatherings of people the world over. You will dependably have my thankfulness for your help and consolation. This ride has been 'so great, so great, so great' on account of you."