Is Obama better than Mandela?

in nelson •  7 years ago 

b2815371d41eeac5ad6d46ec1b11d7cd-5b502b34147b7.jpgGambling said South African President Cyril Ramphosa said that Barack Obama had a similarity with late Nelson Mandela. But he does not even have a hand in Mandela. Obama can not dance like Mandela. After the comment, Ramphosa lost all gravity. He laughs. The laughter rolls are also on the occasion.

But the former US President Obama could not accept Ramfosa's assessment. The head shake-not-indexHe himself said, "I can dance very well." I want to make it clear. 'With a smiling roll again. Cyril Ramphosa laughs and laughs. Obama added, "Michelle (Obama's wife Michelle Obama) can dance a little better than me." She danced a little while at the ceremony. The expression of the present guests was saying, they enjoyed the dance of Obama well.The ceremony was organized on Tuesday at a cricket stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa marking the birth anniversary of Nelson Mandela. In addition to Mandela's widow, Graca Machel, there were 15 thousand visitors.
Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918. This day is celebrated as 'Mandela Day' around the world. Although the day is celebrated on Wednesday in the whole world, celebrations in South Africa have started from Tuesday.On the occasion of the day, the Nelson Mandela Foundation calls on 'everyone to take action and encourage change'.

Paying homage to Mandela during the ceremony, Obama said, "With abandoning and steadfast leadership, Mandela has become a hope for the world's undisputed people. We believe in liberation and democracy, he has shown that we have to fight hard. "He said, the world is now going through a 'weird and uncertain time'.Analysts believe that Obama actually indirectly attacked his predecessor, the US President Donald Trump, through that comment. Obama said, "The politics of fear and anger is spreading through leaders who can deny the truth by denying the truth." He criticized climate change, black migration policy and irrepressible capitalism at the time.

Obama said, 'you have to believe in the truth. There is no basis for cooperation without truth.When scientists around the world say that climate change is happening, if someone says that it is not, then in that case I can not find any identical perspective. If you start by saying that climate change is a hoax, then from where do we start?

On the occasion of the birth anniversary of Mandela, in Johannesburg, yesterday, there was a march led by Graca Machel. Apart from this, a five-day workshop started in the city yesterday.Obama is conducting this training workshop with the participation of 200 young people selected in Africa.

Mandela has been in prison for 27 long years due to anti-apartheid movements. After the end of the white rule in South Africa, he was released in 1990. In 1994, the African National Congress Party won the first multi-party elections held in the country. Mandela died at the age of 95 in 2013.

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