So I have been watching NEO over the last week or so, And I have to admit I am a downright disappointed with it's behaviour of late. I was swingtrading it off USDT on Binance and was gaining significant profit, reaching a high of 143.995 to the $.
Then suddenly, as I was reading the Stochastics and upward Bollinger Bands, it turned around and stabbed me in the backside, and started it's downward spiral into Crypto-abyss
Earlier today (ZAR GMT+2), it started apologising and crept back shamefully with it's tail between it's legs, and I felt a sense of accomplishment that I didn't invest redundantly into this pup. But then it reared it's awful sneering head again and bit me in my now-prideful ankles which I thought was treading on solid ground.
And here we are again, NEO the sluggard back to it's old ways. Oh how I wish it would learn to respect itself!