NEO's Switcheo is The Best Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Out There

in neo •  6 years ago 

If you haven't yet tried the Switcheo decentralized exchange I suggest you do. It's extremely user friendly, wokrs on several types of devices, and an be reduced even further if you use their native token, which can be bought at their plaform.

Currently, you can trade NEO's NEP-5 tokens there, as well as QTUM's QRC20 tokens. Its abou to release its Calisto upgrade, which will allow Switcheo usrs to also trade ERC20 tokens - it's an exchange that works on various platforms.

If you didn't know this already owning NEO entitles you to a GAS dividend that can be used on the exchange.this means pretty much all you need to tade on Switcheo is to hold some NEO and to wait for the dividends to pour in.

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