RE: How to claim GAS on NEO Android wallet.

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How to claim GAS on NEO Android wallet.

in neo •  8 years ago 

Yeah it's been slow this afternoon but faster now already. I do have the select asset button on the home screen, but I cannot chose an asset, the only option I see is "select" where I would expect NEO or GAS. Do you have an idea why? Also, I wonder what effect on my NEO balance sending myself some NEO have? Does claiming GAS cost NEO? Sorry for asking all those questions, I simply don't understand until now.

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No problem. I know that on the pc versions you had to send yourself your coins in ordee to redeem gas, so that's what i did, and it eorked, and no, it wont cost youanything.

ok thanks, will try once i have accumulated some GAS. For now I am happy to just see it collecting :)

ok got it - thanks!
do you know if the amount of claimed gas increases the amount of collected gas, too, or is it really just dependent on the amount of neo one has? e.g. i have 1000 neo and 100 gas. do I collect more new gas because of the 100 claimed gas units, or would i get the same amount of new gas with just the neo without the claimed gas?

There is a set amount of new gas per block, and you will get a fraction of that regardless. I dont remember off the top of my head, but just keep collecting, gas price is through the roof right now