CryptoThoughts July 24th EOS/NEO

in neo •  8 years ago 


Two blockchains really been on my mind lately. EOS and NEO.

If you don't own some in your portfolio now, consider em today. They are both kinda long plays and in the real alpha stages, but I think these babies could be some big players down the road.



  • CTO (Daniel Larimer, the man behind BTS bitshares and Steemit)
  • It's Early (Price of an EOS is under 2$)
  • Unique ICO, 1 year long ICO, is going to create massive hype, with constant media probing and questioning how big the adoption will become
  • Internet changing platform, much like ETH if this takes off, it could change a massive amount of systems out there... I also think if it gets adopted, it'll be everywhere, it really isn't too far fetched to envision devices using EOS and ETH simultaneously together integrated while idling, making you money or creating useful data on standby.
  • No Gas


  • May flop, go nowhere, get adopted by not enough people, then eventually no one, dropping each EOS worth $0.00
  • No Gas

Not sure if having Gas is a negative or pro, it's something to know though, while learning about EOS.

An EOS presentation by Daniel Larimer also website here (

Neo, is pretty damn cool AF, imo.
Formerly ANS(Antshares) this thing is the ETH of China. I heard that term thrown around a lot, so I decided to figure out why. Well basically it's a local(china) ETH in it's infancy.

After reading this article

I went from interested, to bullish. It gave me the knowledge gaps I had been seeking.


  • compatible with all coding languages
  • cross-chain interoperability
  • signed up several new startup companies as partners
  • local, from a startup perspective, if you could get your blockchain running through NEO for less and sooner, you probably would. now I don't know if that'll be the case, but I think they'll streamline this for Chinese players.
  • China, china has that unique critical mass, it really is amazing how advanced some of their cities are, Chinese love to use local apps like alibaba, tencent, QQ, they prefer their own over others in many situations. I'd love to go someday
  • Chinese exchanges, check out this adoption already, ( a lot more are coming in the future too.


  • ETH already exists
  • Confined to China, for development for the most part

There are a lot of good youtube video's on ANS/NEO, check out cryptobud's and boxmining for more hype/info! Enjoy!

I just spent my max, on coinbase, bought some ETH, switched it over to EOS. My next purchase will be more NEO! Need to accumulate more NEO while it's still affordable. Hope you enjoyed the read. Oh btw, I think this EOS play is probably 2+ years, and ANS is 1+ years. HODL!!

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Great post!! I own both this coins in my portfolio and strongly believe in the success for them over the long term.

Other coins I believe have great potential - OMG, GNT, NEM & strat. Some fairly obvious choices but I feel if you sit on these coins for few years you will reap the rewards.

are you kevin Math, tha poker legend?

and yes, i already own all of what you posted above :D wait except OMG, what's OMG?

Check it out my friend!! I never like to @todd604 instruct people to invest in somthing so I always like to say reasearch it yourself before emptying your pockets. But i think it's a great project.

You sir, were right. I was starting to look into it, and just flirted with the idea of buying some, but was going to do some more DD. Now of course, it's hard to buy. 50% more expensive is a lot for a cheapo like myself, probably watch the technicals for a while.