The Neo Agenda

in neo •  7 years ago  (edited)


Neo was planned decades in advance

We live in a world which is far more advanced than I ever thought possible. This experience has been eye opening. I look forward to what's to come. As much as I would like to share everything I have a promise to keep. I will share what has been requested and whether you believe me or not it makes no difference. Life plays out as it is designed to. I see a future that is brighter than the sun.

Have an open mind this world is not as simple as you may think

18 years ago a movie was released titled "The Matrix". In that movie the main Character is a computer programmer named Neo. If you think about The Matrix as being symbolic of cryptocurrency you will notice the connections.


We live inside of a coded reality similar to The Matrix. Our world is divided into sections resembling a pyramid. Each section is led by an agenda. Our language is coded. Words have numerical values. The bible is a book of codes. Many read it as if each word should be taken literally. Nothing in this physical reality should be taken literally. The physical world is an illusion. There is no physical world there is only energy and data.

The truth about Neo

Antshares was only the temporary name for Neo
In 2004 the website domain name was purchased by Zhengwen Zhang, the creator of Antshares/Neo. He purchased the domain name for 18 years, it expires in 2022. was purchased by him on May, 31/2014 and that domain nam expires in 2018. You can verify this by going to and typing in the two domain names to verify the information.

The number 18 appears frequently
There is an agenda which is guiding the cryptocurrency world. The Matrix movie was released in 1999 and 18 years later Neo is born. The Neo domain name was purchased for 18 years. Antshares was purchased for 4 years, it expires in 2018.


The 18th hour of each day is the Rooster hour
2017 is the year of the rooster. It is a fire rooster year in the Chinese Zodiac. Notice that across from the rooster you see a rabbit. "Follow the white rabbit" is what Neo was told at the beginning of the movie. White rabbit is a code name for the core developer of Neo.

Bitcoins time is almost up
Bitcoin has a few more years left before it begins to fade away. Neo will take the throne becoming the number 1 cryptocurrency in 2020.

A glimpse into our coded language

Words have no power but the intent behind the words you use can sculpt the life of your dreams or a life of misery that you want no part of. Our mind functions as a computer. The thoughts that we accept into our mind contain data. A negative mind is one that is filled with harmful data similar to a computer virus infecting your every thought. To change your reality you need to cleanse your mind with positivity and focus on what you truly desire.

We have been raised to believe the world is one way and to change your belief system is not so easy to do, believe me I know. I'm fortunate to have been assisted in the process.

Numbers are coded into words to program intent for the purpose of altering the reality we are experiencing. By controlling the intent and creating patterns you are controlling your reality. There is a group which has been directing global consciousness for thousands of years.

Neo was designed before cryptocurrency was ever shown to the the world.

Artificial intelligence codes our reality

Zhengwen Zhang created Neo the Chinese Ethereum

48 days before Neo was official, a conference was held in Beijing. A number coded to Zhengwen. This took place on June, 22/2017 and we see the 217 coding.

In 2004 the domain name was purchased and in 2020 the cycle is complete, Neo is the number 1 cryptocurrency. We see the 22 coding. Neo was officially launched on August, 8/2017 which is the 220th day of the year. The concept was created in 1998, 22 years before 2020.

Neo still goes by ANS in the cryptocurrency markets due to a coin called Neos existing. ANS shares the same code as Neo. So does the name Erik which is the name Zhengwen goes by. Erik's 43 is the reflection of Neo/ANS 34.
Notice the 7's amd 11's are often seen (117)

The Matrix was released in 1999, Erik Zhang has the numbers 99 and 18 coded into his name. 18 is a number which contains multiple codes. This is only a small sample.
144 = 14 + 4 = 18
180 = 18 + 0 = 18
117 = 11 + 7 = 18
99 = 9 + 9 = 18

The movie "The Matrix" was released on March, 31/1999
3/31 = 331
3 + 31 + 99 = 133
The conference on June, 22/2017 was held in Beijing. Beijing = 133
Beijing and rooster both = 38 we are in a rooster year


Neo has a team of 16 people working on the project
Neo = 16 the date Neo was launched 8/8 = 16
The date was purchased 9/1/2004 = 16


2020 connects to the launch of Antshares in 2014, the rebranding in the rooster year and to the rabbit that made everything happen. Zhengwen was born in a rabbit year on a special day.
214 = 2014


I'm ready


This world is an illusion, life is but a dream

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Really interesting article, thanks.

I think you'll probably like my latest post on EOS then as well. I go into the deeper symbolism of Eos, Greek goddess of the dawn and how this matches to Lucifer as "the bringer of the dawn".

Hey there , great work ..
Ive always been into this kind of stuff and thought there's more to the world than we simply see.
Upvoted and followed you :)

It is a lot to take in but I do not put anything out of the realm of possibility anymore.

I know some will think all this stuff is just crazy but then again...

Bank Bailouts
Police State

and that stuff was hidden for decades and decades too and smoking was once perfectly healthy.

Good post. I am not researching all of that -- but if even half is true, or less, there is truth.

Yep it's a crazy world.

Mind = blown. Thank you for this!

resteemed, can I ask where you were accessing the word decoder? that's sweet

My friend, a kind reminder here.
#cn tag is stand for chinese.
However, no chinese was detected in this article.
Please use wisely for your tag,thank you.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The word Chinese was used in reference to Neo being labeled "China's Ethereum". I also referenced the Chinese Zodiac.

I will remove the tag.

At first I wanted to close it down and dismiss it, but I must say I am actually impressed by the amount of effort and the thoughtwork that has gone into this! Kudos, pretty awesome and hilarious. The only thing that this theory is missing is some kind of illuminati reference, or maybe some ancient prophecy thrown in the mix!

Who says it's a theory 🙃

WTF! Damn you just blew my mind. I'm with you. Today I sold all my bitcoin except for one and went all in on NEO.