Features of Friendly Attitude / Keistimewaan Sikap Ramah

in neoxianfan •  7 years ago 

Features of Friendly Attitude


Know that friendly attitude is very praiseworthy and is the fruit of noble character. The opposite of friendly attitude is rude and angry.

Rasulullah SAW said, "Whoever is friendly, then he will be given the good of the world and the hereafter, and anyone who forbids his friendly attitude, then he will be forbidden to get the good of the world and the hereafter."

He SAW said, "If Allah loves the inhabitants of the house, then He will enter a friendly attitude to them."

وٱلله أعلم بٱلصوٱب
[Ihya '' Ulumuddin lil Al-Hujjatul Islam Imam Al-Ghazali]

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