I am addicted to Netflix/ Hulu/On Demand

in netflix •  7 years ago  (edited)

Addicted is a strong word, so maybe that is not the right way to put it. I am too busy to watch TV like I use to. Back in the day, growing up and in my youth. I as well as most people I know, use to plan the days schedule around your favorite show, or tried to be home to watch something special. Now it has completely changed. I very rarely watch regular TV, everything is either on Netflix, or HuLu or on Demand, or something similar. Everything is on my schedule now, not on the schedule of the TV program schedule. We can record, or watch part now, and part later. I watch many shows or episodes/whole seasons in a row. Binge watching is the new thing. Why wait thru commercials, or wait to watch another episode when they have you on a cliff hanger. My time is limited so I cherish the time my husband and I have together. When we find a good show or series, we can spend a day or part of a day/evening watching or catching up on a show together. We both end up staying up way too late, in such suspense for the next show, and go crazy if a series ends too soon, or they don't renew a show we love. Yes I am addicted to the easy access to unlimited series/ seasons of lots of varieties just at the tip of my fingertips. Am I the only one???

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I can understand your situtation but if you want to save some money you can get Free hulu accounts aswell :D
