Netflix releases "Cuties" and uproar ensues.

in netflix •  4 years ago

This is just... next level distressing, upsetting, sickening... I am at a loss for words. It's barely been months since they released their Jeffrey Epstein documentary (which I thought was very good) but then they release this?? I couldn't get through any of the clips. My heart breaks for these children.

If it really was a documentary or critique against child exploitation, that would have been great. But it was not. The extended, raunchy scenes of scantily-clad children behaving in a sexualised and sensuous manner is utterly unnecessary. Regardless of my personal beliefs, this is wrong.

I am against cancel culture but I had to protest the only way that they'd care: with my wallet - I've cancelled our Netflix subscription with a note that I cannot support them given their release of Cuties. Once the film has been removed, I'd like to re-instate our subscription. It's a shame because I'm typically a fan of Netflix, but this is just... too much.


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