Net Neutrality to be Tied Up in Knots

in netneutrality •  7 years ago  (edited)

While Congress is reviewing whether to restore the net neutrality rules scrapped by the U.S. FCC, lawmakers in 15 states are taking action directly, introducing bills to create state-level net neutrality laws or require ISPs to conduct a free and open internet. Nearly two dozen state Attorney Generals are collectively filing a lawsuit to block the FCC’s changes. The actions of the FCC which would allow ISPs to charge some content providers more than other or bottleneck their access is bad for consumers, information, and free speech.

Net neutrality isn’t going away and will continue to be a huge issue for states in 2018. If respect for net neutrality can’t be restored at the federal level in the U.S., it will create a patchwork mess of laws and rules state by state and tumultuous court battles and rulings.

One huge point of discussion remaining is that net neutrality hasn’t applied the same to mobile carriers as ISPs and now these are likely to get worse. Data limits and tiers for resolution will likely get even stricter. It’s the battle for public access to information and technology originally funded and supported by the government vs. corporate and media interests in delimiting freedom and access.

Please post any other links you have on this highly complex issue.

Peace @ClumsySilverDad


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What a mess. Our government is only good at stealing money from the people, waging war, and screwing things up. If the corrupt politicians would make an HONEST effort to do their jobs, we might not have a country that is ruled by corporations and banks!

Let's hope the states can get this done. Our centrally corrupted fully irresponsible, unaccountable (to the people) government has definitely shown how money can buy anything, even that which they do not own.

Thanks for the post -- Keep it up.
Many blessings!

Posts that interest my friend and let's hope that the government can solve this problem ..