Simple network rule

in network •  7 years ago 

Here is the truth ! If you want to become financially independent using network marketing as your vehicle then all you need to do is find 3 good people that want to do the same.

3 people you can work with on a regular basis and all 3 working together inside one Facebook group.

Together you find 3 more people and so it develops and evolves into a community. You teach this to every person that comes into your network.

Very soon you will earn more money than you could ever of hoped for.

You have to keep serving your community and leading by example.

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Правилото е добро, но като се намери само един, който публично да опонира, защото той винаги "знае" всичко.... .. вече много ги има такива.... (скоро ми се случи, точно 3-ма търсех ).

Въпрос на гледна точка,така наречените МЛМ или по както и да е друг начин да се наричат не харесвам.Защо шматките трябва да те правят шампион-казано от моя доцент по маркетинг:)))