in network •  7 years ago 



This may be old news to some of you, but I only now noticed that things were not running quite right on my private Visionary Art Network on the Ning platform.
Subsequently, I did a bit of digging and sent this message to our members:

Dear Members,

you may not have noticed the Ning Status Report on the right sidebar on our Home Page (neither did I, to be honest, until I detected some problems and looked). Apparently there is a possibility of some issues cropping up with the system. I noticed some slow responses of late, only then did I look at the Status Report which was actually already posted on September 1st.

This is what it says:

We would like to inform you that currently, we are in the process of hardware renovation and it’s possible that during next several months there could be some issues with stability of our systems. We do apologize for any inconveniences in advance and hope that when the update would be finished you will enjoy the changes.
Thanks for understanding.
The Ning Team.  

This of course affects our private Visionary Art Network, but since our public website depends on feeds from it for the embedded slide shows, things may be running a bit slow with those slide shows.
The public website for our Visionary Art Gallery is powered by Weebly, and anything we uploaded directly to the Weebly server would work fine.



Hopefully Ning straightens out their problems and the slideshows load smoothly again.

The screenshot image below is of course one of our Weebly powered slide shows:

Less affected by this is our second spin-off public website VISIONARY ART EXHIBITION because on there, I don't rely on embedded content from our network. I am featuring select artwork (among many other features and several blogs ) downloaded from our network to the Weebly powered site.
Hoping that this - one of several issues that had cropped up with the service at times - will also be solved and things run smoothly again.
There is never a problem with our Weebly server for our public websites - with the exception of a DoS attack several years back that lasted all but 2 hours and at that time affected all Weebly sites.

Digging a bit further into this, I suspect it may also have something to do with Adobe Flash - I don't know if this message is accessible without being logged in as a Ning creator, but here it goes:
It's time to say goodbye to Flash player
in part it says:
Step by step we're replacing the parts of the code that were using Flash player, probably you have already noticed the changes in File manager on both platforms (Ning 2.0 and Ning 3.0). Recently the slideshows have been updated and they aren't using flash any longer.  

More links:

So long, Flash: Adobe will kill plug-in by 2020

and directly from the Adobe Blog:


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