You have to know some important differences first.
Sales Vs Marketing
Prospects have become warier than they ever were. There are so many opportunities out there that it is difficult for them to decide what they must take, if at all.
Even if someone is contemplating on a network marketing business, you
couldn’t always hope to sway them toward your side because there are so many options opened out to them.
However, network marketing still remains lucrative and that is one big draw for you to bring people toward your business. The results that can be expected can be so huge in monetary terms that they could put most companies to shame.
The emphasis of ‘marketing’ in ‘network marketing’ is still quite profound.
Despite whatever you might have heard about networking being the most
important thing here, you must know that you are, after all, ‘marketing’. This is an important thing for you to consider. In fact, when you are getting your prospects, make sure that you get people who know how to market.
Networking is fine enough, but what use is it if you can get your octogenarian grandmother into your network, who cannot market anything for you?
The days of pumping network with people who cannot market – read family and friends – should be over by now. Today’s network marketing businesses know that it is extremely important to have people in the team who can bring about the all-important sales.
Though this premise is slightly different, network marketing is most assuredly a sales concept. You have to sell things for money, not just share them.
In the 21st century, the difference between sharing and selling has become much more profound, especially over the Internet. When you recommend something without any financial gains, like if you tell someone there’s a really great movie in town that they must catch, you aren’t selling. Selling is what is important in network marketing – you do this with monetary gains involved for yourself.
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