How to Stay on Your Purpose in The Midst of Uncertainty

in networkmarketing •  7 years ago  (edited)

IMG_8554.JPG“If you want to conquer fear, don’t sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” -Dale Carnegie

I remember turning in my leave of absence form at my regular job almost 17 years ago. I never went back. I left the life of a steady income, benefits and predictability all to become an entrepreneur.

At the time I was not experiencing fear, but rather excitement. My business partner and I entered a budding new industry and we were making money.

I thought this was it. We had made it.

Little did I know that the fear would come much later.

Eventually I started a family. The excitement one feels when your child is born is indescribable. This excitement comes with a duality with a corresponding natural fear… a fear that at least to me, sent me into a sort of permanent protective mode that kept me up at night. As fathers, many have experienced that.

It’s just like when I:

-Held each of my newborn sons for the first time
-Started, not knowing what I was doing, and going into something I wasn’t sure about.
-Developed my Qi Gong/Presence Training
-Moved our family to a different city so that my boys can attend the school we wanted for them
-Sold a business that wasn’t doing it for me anymore and had to start all over

These experiences have been very powerful for me, bringing me face to face with both excitement and anxiety. The fear of unknown can keep one stuck in the same place for years. Instead of moving into the fear and using it for growth and expansion, a person can choose to retreat and keep from moving forward.

In the last two years I began to again move into uncharted territory in my life and this year is looking to be a deepening of that shift. It seems as if daily I’m faced with more and more adversity and contrast, and I’m practicing what I’ve learned in the last 17 years by moving into this pain and uncertainty with my purpose intact and happy.

If you’re also moving into the unknown in your life, I hope that in sharing what I have learned I can also help you in your personal journey.

Find Your Purpose

A person doesn’t just put themselves face to face with a strong fear just for the sake of it. There is something in our lives that drives us toward that fear.

What is your “WHY”?

Ask yourself once in a awhile why you’re allowing yourself to experience uncertainty.

Is it your wife or husband? Your children? A cause that’s bigger than you? Dig deep and get your why.

Have this purpose, this why, in the forefront of your mind when you do the things you do as you move more and more into the unknown.

Trust yourself and trust the process. Your Why is bigger than the fear.

Moving into Pain, Fear, and the Unknown

When you feel pain, facing mental anguish, worry or anxiety, the first thing is that you don’t want to feel it. You want to escape it all costs.

During the last decade I’ve been working on and practicing allowing myself to immerse myself fully into what im facing or feeling.

Why? What’s the reasoning behind this? Why would this make any sense?

Going into fear and pain allows the emotion to move through you and release. Many times the fear or situation you are experiencining is actually triggering subconcious pain and emotions that are trapped inside your mind and body. By feeling this and going through it will actually give the emotions an outlet to get out and not run you anymore.

We can get intimate with it, breathe it in, and let it go. Make it a daily practice. Feel the fear, anxiety, or negative emotion fully. Breathe it in. Allow yourself to get present. Breathe it out, release, and let it go.

One Step at a Time

The pain, the fear, the anxiety isn’t really something to avoid at all costs. Rather it’s like a doorway. A doorway out of the pain and into the present. By doing this you actually come face to face with what’s really going on, out in the real world, instead of in your head chasing and being hooked by phantom thoughts.

So you do it incrementally, little by little. Don’t be afraid to feel whats bugging you and actually allow yourself to breathe it in – then transform it- and then let… it… go…

Do this day in and day out.

The more you do this the more yourself-trust will grow. Do you want to get healthier? Eat well and exercise… one day at a time. Be easy as you find the rythym of your body. Allow yourself to be totally present as you implement your plan and stay present even if you fear or fail at it. Get up and keep moving. What do you want to do?


Going into the unknown doesn’t have to be difficult or this huge monumental task. In fact it is a welcoming, much needed experience that can inspire in one a joyous sense of gratitude.

Life is short, so allow yourself to have fun and be greatful for the experience of being alive and around the people you love.

Remember, you are not alone. There are other people on the path… personal coaches, mentors, teachers, friends, family. We are all connected and it’s impossible to get there alone. Our interconnectiveness is one of the greatest gifts we have.

Look for help and support, allow yourself to expereince gratitude, and move into uncertainty with the support of your group. I wish you an incredible journey.

“You don’t feel like your best self when you fall apart, but you have to fall apart to become your best self.” ― Richie Norton

Your Friend,
Raul T Soberon, Coach

PS When I started network marketing training like the Attraction Marketing Bootcamp was non-existent. Approaching people on the street took work. In today’s age, it can seem a huge, daunting task to learn how use social media to build our businesses at lighting speed compared to “old school” ways. This free training strips away the unknown and brings your business right to the cutting edge.

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