Why Most of What People Know About Setting Goals Is Wrong

in networkmarketing •  7 years ago 

You don’t have to stop setting goals. It is a crucial aspect of all things worth doing.

However, if you don’t implement this one thing, you can kiss your goals goodbye.

This mind hack is a key difference between reaching your goals and building your business, and not.

So when you think about setting your goals, you’re actually creating future that you step into.

There are many ways to set goals… Some people choose to do written goals. Others choose to use a tool like a vision board. Others use a technique like visualization.

There are many techniques, too much to list here. Whichever method you do end up using, it’s an important first step because it’s good to know where you’re going so you can manifest and navigate your way to your own desired compelling future.

Now when it comes to network marketing, and even your whole life for that matter, people have different goals or futures that they may want to create.

For the most part it’s pretty safe to say that as network marketers we want to recruit more people, make more sales, attract clients to ourselves, make a difference in people’s lives and have more freedom from a just over broke (JOB).

These are all very worthwhile and noble network marketing and life goals.

By using any of the above-mentioned example techniques, one can set one of these goals and then let it go and live life trying for weeks, months or years trying to achieve it.

~How The Future is ACTUALLY Created~

Now let’s set aside for a second goal setting and just look at how the future is actually created without any interference at all.

The future isn’t set in stone. It’s not something concrete or “out there” waiting to arrive.

You have to understand that in reality you’re actually creating “the future” moment to moment as you live into it.

You carry into this future the totality of your experience – obviously your physical body… but most importantly your thoughts and thought patterns present in your mind as you move through life.

It’s these thought patterns that exert one of the most powerful influences on your chosen goals and ultimately your future.
Your thoughts literally shape and create your reality, irrespective of any set goals.

What happens then to your goal setting? What happens to your goals at this point if the future is being created moment to moment? Why even go through the process if it’s actually your thoughts that are doing the work?

Like I said before, it’s necessary, but as a first step. There are two more steps to do to make sure you get what you want.
So far you’ve given your unconscious mind a map or a command in goal setting process that lets it know where it is you want it to take you, whether to make more sales, recruit more people or get better at your presentation.

And that’s good thing.

~How We Create What We DON’T Want~

Most people do not take control in observing their thoughts, and wind up being hooked by them one way other.
Being hooked on a thought is when you lose objectivity and become identified with a thought and forget about you, the observer. The idea is basically to understand that you are not your thoughts.

The problem that arises then is that in the moment, without realizing it, one’s thoughts may not be centered on the good feelings attached to making more sales, recruiting more people and having more money.

They could be off somewhere else… and you get…that’s right…HOOKED.

Maybe you’re worried about some bill you have to pay, or a bad medical report, or you’re anxious about an upcoming meeting with someone nervous about it.

By allowing these thoughts to dominate your experience, you’re clouding the future you set for yourself in your goalsetting.

One actually interrupts the goals for themselves by living life allowing negative emotions or worries in.
And it’s natural to have all kinds of thoughts, positive, negative and neutral. It’s all part of the human experience.

Unfortunately, even though you might be a black belt goal setter and the best visualizing a powerful, compelling future for yourself, if you live your life allowing negative emotions to be present, worrying, fear, anxiety and any other negative thought pattern, you are unknowingly living into a future where those fears and anxieties actually materialize – regardless of how many visualization exercises or vision boards you’ve completed.

This is because the future your creating is in your mind, and it requires building blocks of reality, thoughts, and then the future unfolds in your experience.

These building blocks of your ever unfolding future are your recurring thoughts, which are a part of everything in your present moment, your NOW, which again, makes up the future you are living into.

The sum of all your thoughts builds upon itself sequentially as they arise in time and drive you on autopilot into the unfolding of your life, moment by moment.

Read this paragraph again.

~How To Create What You Actually Want~

This is additional two-step process.

Again, step 1, set your goal(s).

Here’s step 2… Instead of looking at your future as something out there that is coming or a goal in your mind, here is a way to look differently at the “future.”

Knowing you create your future as you go, you want to constitute YOURSELF as future.

Future as self.

You yourself become the point where your desired future comes together.

It’s stepping into your desired future in your mind and from that space see, hear, and most importantly feel what it’s like to be that future already.

What are your thoughts like? Are you relaxed? Happy? Content? Thankful? Competitive? Resourceful? Relaxed? There are no negative thoughts present if you’re at the point where you are enjoying everything you want.

Don’t leave that space… bring those future thoughts and patterns with you into your present and live your life with these thought patterns.

This isn’t fooling yourself… this isn’t wishful thinking. The stronger thought patterns become dominant in your mind and they continuously shape your reality – and it manifests both inside your mind/body and in external reality.

Negative thoughts lead you to more negative experiences and more negative reality. Powerful beneficial thoughts allow your reality to unfold in a different direction.

By being self as future you are literally creating and shaping your own future as you go with the direction of your own thought patterns by consciously living into your future in the now.

But this isn’t enough because as I said before, we are human and we live in an imperfect world and negativity comes up. It’s life.

So in order to achieve what you want, you, the observer, the one actually witnessing your own thoughts, must do step 3.

~Present Moment Awareness on Steroids~

And that’s putting all negative emotions or thoughts aside – not ignoring them, as we all have them from time to time, but actually just letting them pass right through you just like any other passing thing in your reality… like the scenery you see when you’re driving down the highway, or walking down the street.

Just let them go, and constantly bring your thoughts back to helpful, positive feel good states, all day every day so that you take conscious control of shaping your future by accessing the mechanism that actually creates the future as you go on about your life.

It requires constant awareness on your part to recognize when you are hooked by a negative thought and therefore not present, and being able to bring yourself out of that and back into observer consciousness.

Again, it’s work, just like everything else, but your hopes and dreams deserve it.

Hope you enjoyed this post, as always feel free to like – share or comment –I’d love to hear what u think.

Talk Soon.

Raul Soberon
Network Marketing & Mindset Coach

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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment