in neurology •  7 years ago 

This is my first article, just recently joined.
This is a scientific information not about spiritual or paranormal statements.

We are just a collection of particles that joined together to make us "us".
Elementary particles joined together by gluons to make protons and neutrons.
Protons and neutrons are concentrated in the middle of an atom called nucleus.
Elementary particle called electrons travel around the nucleus of an atom.
The atom is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons.
These atoms corresponds to an element.
The number protons determines the name/nature of the element.
For example, a hydrogen atom has 1 proton thus naming it as "hydrogen atom".
There are many elements found in nature.
Their atoms bind with other atoms to form a molecule.
An example of a molecule is water.
Water is a combination of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atoms, thus H2O.
The original nature of an atom changes when combined with other atom.
Hydrogen atom is a very reactive element, flammable and explosive while oxygen is a very corrosive element yet if they combined to form water, they become very stable.

So far particles combines to form atoms, atoms combines molecules.
Molecules has many kinds of patterns, for example water, other examples are fatty acids, carbohydrates and proteins.
These molecules now combine with each other to form cells.
Cells is which us humans consider as a living thing.
Molecules that made up the cell is NOT considered a living thing.
DNA, a molecule that has a set of instructions for chemical processes to make a new living being is a NON-living thing YET it can produce a living thing.
Now, cells is uses it DNA to grow, divide and multiply as well as other functions.

As it divides and multiplies, cells form a tissue.
In us humans, we have many types of tissues, for example epithelial, connective and nervous tissues.
These tissue then combine with other tissues to make organs for example liver, heart, kidneys and brain.
These organs then combine with other organs to form "organ systems" like nervous system, cardiovascular system and digestive system.
Lastly, these "organ systems" work with each other to form an organism, which is us.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Some says that there is a soul that controls our bodies, in which the soul is actually the REAL "us" but there is no empirical evidence to support there claims.

But there is a part of us humans that is the real us.
In fact it is a whole "organ system" called nervous system. Very familiar right.
The nervous system is comprised of receptors, affector organs, processing centers, effector organs through the neural endplate of muscles.
That is the real us, nothing else. No souls or paranormal required.
If we detach our nervous system from the rest of the body and put it on a new body with a precise molecular accuracy, it will not really produce a difference since our nervous system is intact and our "NEW" body (with the other organ system) has the same molecular configuration/pattern as the old one.
The nervous system is what we are but there any evidences for my claims? Yes, it is very observable and the tests are very repeatable (but dangerous).
First, the nervous system is divided into many parts and structures but primarily divided into CENTRAL and PERIPHERAL nervous system.
CENTRAL nervous system comprises of the brain and the spinal cord while the PERIPHERAL nervous system comprises all the nerves throughout the body.
The differences between the CENTRAL nervous system and PERIPHERAL nervous system is that the latter can grow in ALMOST of the cases when injury happens. Thus the former hardly regenerates.

In simpler terms, you can grow nerves that were severed but you cannot grow an injured brain back to its former normal pattern (in cases of stroke) and you cannot bind back severed spinal cord (in cases of spinal cord injuries).
If the site of the injury is the brain for example ( in most cases, a stroke), I can say that the "real us" is the brain because technically when the part of the brain that controls judgement, thinking and memory (the frontal lobe) is damaged, it dies, and if that happens the pattern of the neurons of your brain is gone so does your ability to judge, think and memorize.
This is a very observable phenomenon and can be observe as well as to people that suffered traumatic brain injuries from vehicular accidents.

Now why some patients with stroke and traumatic brain injury can recover some if not all of their abilities?
This is called neuroplasticity.

It is very slow however and even gets slower as we age. That is why younger people tend to recover some of their former abilities while old people go worse than before.
Consciousness and memory also is just the product of synaptic networks of neurons in the brain but it is really hard pin track with our current technology but I think if we ever develop the technology for it, then wow.
We can actually create a new entity just base on the neural pattern and edit or add an information to someone's brain.
Creepy yet exciting.

We are really just a bag of meat particularly the central nervous system (brain). We must protect it (ourselves) at all cost because once it is damaged you cannot really go further.



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