autoretrato, no estoy loco, solo como jabón y me cepillo con aceite quemado, pero lo mejor es no bañarse-
Self-portrait, I'm not crazy, I only eat soap and brush with burnt oil, but it is best not to bathe.
Poema: Adicto al Click-
Click Addict
tengo los amigos mas inteligentes del mundo
solo imagina, yo sin ustedes...
Debemos conquistar el mundo
pues ¡solo nos falta eso!
En este mundo, donde la gente prefiere coleccionar dinero, antes que poesía, su corazón hipócrita deja que los labios mentar la madre al mundo, pues solo se les escucha decir: que es un juego para divertirse. Eso donde la comida de un tripón esta en juego, pero al no ser la propia es solo diversión para ellos, hipócrita agonía que abre el despertar de la conciencia al negro que con grilletes susurra desde el otro lado, otro mundo, su mundo y no el de aquel que puede jugar solo por diversión. Eso me dijo un negro al oído, ese negro de 1770, que llego en un barco, arrebatado de su mundo.
Que miserable es el mundo al que se escucha perdir te que seas oveja, mientras él se regocija y tú cagas en periódico
desperter te hace ver las cosas como son y allí el corazón canta más suavemente, creo que es un pasaje sabanero, donde la brisa canta los colores de otros días, y allí es donde se ve el horizonte, el real, uno por donde luchar es el sendero que haz de seguir, ganemos pues es una lucha de ellos contra nosotros, no ser obeja es la meta, quiero ser un perro ovejero, ni lobo, ni oveja, ser el que camina entre dos mundos y mira todo desde allí.
La paz alcanza al corazón
Si, cuando encienrras tu demnio y puedes seguir.
Better impossible
I have the smartest friends in the world
just imagine, me without you ...
We must conquer the world
Well, we just need that!
In this world, where people prefer to collect money, rather than weigh, their hypocritical heart allows their mother's lips to speak to the world, because they only hear them say: it's a game to have fun. That where the food of a tripon is at stake, but since it is not their own it is only fun for them, hypocritical agony that opens the awakening of consciousness to the black who with shackles zuzurra from the other side, another world, his world and not the one who can play just for fun. That's what a black man told me in my ear, that black man from 1770, who arrived on a ship, snatched from his world.
How miserable is the world that is heard losing you that you are a sheep, while he rejoices and you shit in the newspaper
Waking up makes you see things as they are and there the heart sings more softly, I think it is a Sabanero passage, where the breeze sings the colors of other days, and that is where the horizon is seen, the real one, one where to fight is the path you have to follow, let's win because it is their fight against us, not being a sheep is the goal, I want to be a sheep dog, or a wolf, or a sheep, to be the one who walks between two worlds and looks at everything from there.
Peace reaches the heart
Yes, when you turn on your demon and you can continue.
Poesía subterranea
la verdad de este mundo.
El pájaro me responde desde su mundo:
¡coño andas inspirado!
y la princesa agrega:
"jajajajaja coño will hoy te levantaste con todas las pilas puestas
yo ando con la flojera activada hoy"
I will write poetry on another account, the other voice that dictates.
Underground poetry
the truth of this world.
The bird answers me from his world:
You fucking inspired!
and the princess agrega:
"hahahahaha, pussy, today you woke up with all the batteries on
I walk with laziness activated today "
recuerden que estoy casi frito, se me olvida hasta como se escriben algunas palabras, ayer olvide como se escribe mi nombre, el de este vehículo donde habito hoy. jajaja
Cuando yo muera, no lloren, por favor, me hacen una torta
y celebran que pase al otro lado.
si puedo me comunicaré con ustedes desde allá, así sabrán si la vaina es verdad:
si hay otro lado o no.
Mientras, una suave brisa acaricia tu cabello, si escuchas en ella el olor de mis labios, sabrás que desde el otro lado te digo cuanto te quiero, pues es la carta que te envía tu padre es amor puro, amada hija, de seguro soy yo, si tu frente queda con el cariño de siempre, ese que deja los besos que te doy allí cada vez para dejar saber cuanto te amo, sí, para decir cuanto te quiero.
Por lo menos eso diré si logro comunicarme desde el otro lado con mi hija.
Lo acepto, soy un adicto al click, teclear y teclear por horas también me gusta, pero dar click y tomar la cima en alguno de esos mundos donde mi user se mire entre los primeros del rank es lo mejor, la muñeca me duele, pero es un dolor que recuerda la lucha que debemos afrontar en nuestra pelicula , sí la vida, aunque parece una mierda por tantas cosas malas que afrontamos y hasta parece una pelicula de suspenso,donde el personaje principal debe afrontar multiples niveles de dificultad y superarlos, ese montón de cosas son lo que hace tu mundo interesante, si no fuera solo una serie de esas aburridas que te hacen dormirte frente a la pantalla, así que a tomar los primeros puestos del rank en el juego, tu juego, yo en mio y mira al espejo, verás que allí estoy yo, ya que al yo ver allí te miro a tí, somos uno, y yo solo soy tu conciencia despertando y diciendo las cosas, parte de esa verdad que hasta ahora no estabas preparado a leer, vamos al juego, demos muchos click.
pass me to this browser
to write, it has a spell checker
Remember that I am almost fried, I even forget how to write some words, yesterday I forgot how my name is written, that of this vehicle where I live today.
When I die, don't cry, please, make me a cake
and they celebrate that it happens to the other side.
If I can I will communicate with you from there, so you will know if the pod is true:
if there is another side or not.
Meanwhile, a soft breeze caresses your hair, if you hear the smell of my lips in it, you will know that from the other side I tell you how much I love you, because it is the letter your father sent It is pure love, beloved daughter, surely it is me, if your forehead remains with the same affection as always, the one that leaves the kisses that I give you there every time to let you know how much I love you, yes, to say how much I love you.
At least that's what I'll say if I can communicate from the other side with my daughter.
I accept it, I'm addicted to clicking, typing and typing for hours I also like, but clicking and taking the top in one of those worlds where my user looks at the top of the rank is the best, my wrist hurts, but it is a pain that reminds us of the struggle we must face in our movie, yes life, although it seems like shit for so many bad things we face and even It looks like a suspense movie, where the main character must face multiple levels of difficulty and overcome them, That lot of things is what makes your world interesting, if it weren't just a series of those boring ones that make you fall asleep in front of the screen, so to take the top positions of the rank in the game, your game, me in mine and look in the mirror, you will see that I am there, since when I see there I look at you, we are one, and I am only your conscience waking up and saying things, part of that truth that until now you were not prepared to read, let's go to the game, let's click a lot.
Few understand me, but those who know what it is that their wrists ache for many hours dedicated to this wonderful world of the connected cloud, they know what I mean, those earthlings who dedicate hundreds of hours of their lives to all these It is possible, I dedicate my madness, a drop of truth that only we dare to say.
The separators that I use are screenshots of some of the games where I am in our ecosystem, copy the address of the post where I use them and there I made the due recognition of the copyright of those images to each game, yes this is for you What are you asking that, hahaha, don't vote negative on my post, give a big positive vote, that I know of at least $ 200 (that's a joke too) hahaha, but "playing the dog puts it" so said my grandfather, who take away give me a big vote and I managed to gather to buy a reflex camera, mine was damaged and I could not buy, those things are expensive here in my country, I am not in the position that others, who can play only for have fun, hahaha (another cruel joke) and the same thing goes back to comment my grandfather, who is always with me from there from heaven, he is one of the voices that always help me write and one of those special beings to whom I always dedicate my lyrics.
Bilingüe: Que utiliza dos lenguas al mismo nivel o se hace en dos lenguas
Bilingual: That uses two languages ??at the same level or is done in two languages.
Location: Villa de Cura.
Original photographs of willsaldeno, I do not edit the photos, because I like to put only what I achieve with the camera and not something improved with an editor.