Ella, coqueta se mira al espejo de los días y pones sus labios en forma de corazón, coquetean y coquetean y los ojos risueños solo sueñan con estar a su lado y probar su miel en aquella tertulia.
Sus ojos, achinados de catira marmoleña danzan mientras a lo lejos en loco versa en silencio los amores de un secreto eterno, enamorado se viste de fiesta cada vez que el olor le tienta, huele la tierna sonrisa que allí detiene el universo a sus pies.
That beautiful woman, whose silhouette invites us to sin, the thoughts want to steal a kiss in the sigh that flies to the dream of her company.
She, flirtatious, looks at herself in the mirror of the days and puts her lips in the shape of a heart, they flirt and flirt and her smiling eyes only dream of being by her side and tasting her honey in that gathering.
His eyes, angled like a marbled cat, dance while in the distance he silently watches the loves of an eternal secret, in love, he dresses up every time the smell tempts him, he smells the tender smile that the universe stops there at his feet.

Por ahora, solo quedan las ganas de rozar sus labios con el pincel mágico, pincel, escritor de amores, crea un mundo que ella llena de gestos y allí danza y haz la vida corazones.
Hoy en la ventana billa la luz del despertar, son las horas, esas que prometen ir con ella en los pensamientos, pensamientos, habitan por siempre el corazón enamorado de la luna.
That voice lets go on its wings its song of the wind, the heart of a free poet in that hair that flutters seductively, seductive of skin, a star that is born and dulls the sun, the sun that illuminates the gray days of these times and elevates it so that For a moment forget her madness and she is that horizon in a winter dawn where the lights bloom, caressing the words in the second that her body does not end, it is the letter that carries promises.
For now, all that remains is the desire to brush her lips with the magic brush, brush, love writer, create a world that she fills with gestures and there dance and make life hearts.
Today in the window the light of awakening shines, they are the hours, those that promise to go with her in the thoughts, thoughts, forever inhabit the heart in love with the moon.

Moon, the eyes go with you, while they write you a poem, your smile makes the mad child a child and he asks your voice for the letters that say your name framed in sun, moon, sweet singing girl that the world has done like this for Let the verse be a spirited steed that runs after you, its first love, the one that is never forgotten.

Bilingüe: Que utiliza dos lenguas al mismo nivel o se hace en dos lenguas
Bilingual: That uses two languages ??at the same level or is done in two languages.
Lent: Leica 1: 2.8-3.7 / 7.4-88.8.
Location: Villa de Cura.
Original photographs of willsaldeno, I do not edit the photos, because I like to put only what I achieve with the camera and not something improved with an editor.