A veces pregunta, si aquel barbudo que todos dicen: cuida desde los cielos ¿Está allí de verdad? son tantas las cosas que parecen un mágico hechizo y su ataque, es por eso que se hace esa pregunta y ha llegado en ocasiones a renegar.
De vez en cuando cree que todos se han hecho esa pregunta.
The bull is thrown, because sunny days have left him so much trouble that his beliefs have left with that suffocating mist. for
Sometimes he asks, if that bearded man that everyone says: watch from heaven, is he really there? there are so many things that seem like a magic spell and its attack, that is why he asks himself that question and has sometimes come to deny.
Every once in a while you think everyone has asked that question.

No todo es malo, ya que allá, en ese mundo encontró un maestro, que le explico que el diablo baja por las cabuyas del chinchorro mientras la gente duerme, para darle un lepe en la frente, justo allí donde se hace la señal de la cruz, y en ese momento agregó: que eso se lo había enseñado su madre desde niño. El gran maestro es un vagabundo que duerme en un banco que esta en el hospital, afuera, allí dónde la gente. Su riqueza, la sencillez de vivir en sus creencias, un mundo donde sacerdote es sacerdote y él es católico, siempre que puede me lo recuerda, y comparte algunos de sus secretos, esos que le ha regalado la vida.
It makes him want to stay there, immersed in madness, that world where he rests for a while, but on the ground he has hit bottom a few times.
Not everything is bad, since there, in that world, he found a teacher, who explained to him that the devil comes down the ropes of the hammock while people sleep, to give him a lepe on the forehead, right there where the sign of the Cruz, and at that moment he added: that his mother had taught him since he was a child. The great teacher is a tramp who sleeps on a bench that is in the hospital, outside, where people are. His wealth, the simplicity of living in his beliefs, a world where a priest is a priest and he is a Catholic, he reminds me whenever he can, and shares some of his secrets, those that life has given him.

A few days ago he visited me, it was around 7 pm, I was only able to offer him coffee, because it was the only thing I had, the electricity supply has been failing and as usual because of not having gas, the food stays away from the stomach, that calls her, and even falling in love with her, she does not come into his arms, but even there, the great teacher left me another teaching, while the cold coffee kissed her elusive lips that had not been kissed by coffee for days and not to mention the food, least of all he had seen moonwalks.

Lo que siempre me llama la atención es que masca el agua, deben ser los años, yo calculo que tiene unos 95 años, por sus historias y las épocas que me nombra en ellas, pero se mira mucho más joven, de seguro es por llevar una vida en este sueño, basada en la calma de un corazón tranquilo al lograr la locura que nivela las energías.
La locura, creo que encontré el camino a mi pequeña locura (aún me falta equilibrar mucho más, las energías negativas y positivas para alcanzar una gran locura) el mal y el bien, equilibrados. Todos somos malos, aunque la mayoria lo nieguen, pero también somos buenos. Sí, note el sendero en la locura, el día que me sumergía en ella a buscar las letras para crear un poema, muchas veces las letras son bellas palabras que expresan la hermosura de mi musa, pero no se porqué la gente se hace una mala idea al leer esos poemas, para nada estoy diciendo que soy bueno, una buena persona, las letras y poemas son otra cosa, hablan de la belleza de las buenas cosas que existen en ese mundo, el sueño donde despiertas cada día, aunque esta lleno de mierdas que te joden mucho, también hay muchas cosas hermosas, a esas musas la voz les brinda sus letras.
El toro se levanto y tomo de nuevo el camino.
One day he talked about how his inseparable companion, hunger, is always there, right next to him, but that above all he must remain calm, that which is found only when the bottom is touched and this world of dreams is recognized where We wake up every day to suffer, because it is a world for that and thus, by recognizing the truth, being able to learn from the memories of yesterday, falling, that we all do, getting up and learning from that moment is something else, his words sounded the other language but they understand each other very well in that flight of lights that the small planetarium let out to communicate.
What always catches my attention is that he chews the water, it must be the years, I calculate that he is about 95 years old, due to his stories and the times that he names me in them, but he looks much younger, surely it is to wear a life in this dream, based on the calm of a calm heart by achieving the madness that evens out the energies.
The madness, I think I found the way to my little madness (I still need to balance much more, the negative and positive energies to reach a great madness), evil and good, balanced. We are all bad, although most deny it, but we are also good. Yes, I noticed the path in madness, the day that I immersed myself in it to look for the letters to create a poem, many times the letters are beautiful words that express the beauty of my muse, but I do not know why people become bad idea when reading those poems, I'm not saying at all that I'm good, a good person, the lyrics and poems are something else, they talk about the beauty of the good things that exist in that world, the dream where you wake up every day, even though it is full shits that screw you a lot, there are also many beautiful things, to those muses the voice gives their lyrics.
The bull got up and took the road again.

Bilingüe: Que utiliza dos lenguas al mismo nivel o se hace en dos lenguas
Bilingual: That uses two languages ??at the same level or is done in two languages.

Lent: Leica 1: 2.8-3.7 / 7.4-88.8.
Location: Villa de Cura.
Original photographs of willsaldeno, I do not edit the photos, because I like to put only what I achieve with the camera and not something improved with an editor.