You Can Do It

in neverlosehope •  4 years ago  (edited)

I am aware that many people nowadays suffers secretly. They hide it maybe because they are ashamed or maybe because they don't want to bother the people around them.

But I want to tell you that, there's nothing to be ashamed of. Feeling pain is not being weak. It is alright to cry. Everyone experience pain. It is a good thing if you will share it. I believe the people who loves you will be more than glad to help you get through that pain.

Also, don't pressure yourself. Maybe there are times that you will feel left-out, useless, or unloved. One day you saw on social media that everyone is living a good life, then you question yourself,

"What happened to me? What am I doing all this time? Why am I the only one not successful?"

Let me tell you this: We set our own pace. We run our own race. Life is not a marathon. It is not about who will be successful first or who will be the richest.

Life is about living the way we want. The way that makes us happy. May it be simple or luxurious life, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you are happy and contented. We must also appreciate those people who love us. Maybe we are not aware because we are too focused on our own misery and pain, but I'm sure there is someone who loves you and cares for you.

Don't let the society ruin you. Never settle to the standard of the society. Never let them set your goals, your standards, or your life.

Remember, it is YOUR life. You are beautiful in your own way. You will achieve your goals in your own perfect time. Just live your life to the fullest.

It it alright to fail, to be disappointed, to not achieve in your first try. What's not okay is GIVING UP. You must stand up, try again, and never lose hope.

Do your best and God will do the rest ❣️

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