Uh, yeah. I hate to be "some guy" but I'm kinda pissed right now. Maybe I shoulda done my research, right? Well, after finally deciding that Dtube was the website to compete with YouTube that I wanted to sign up for (about two days of miffed searching), I spent about 3 hours checking things out, heavy-moderately reading the terms of service and privacy policy in case there was something worth worrying about, carefully signing up and saving a copy of my stream key, and then gleefully created my one account with a blog post only to realize that... the "multiple accounts" feature that one would expect to be something that lets you use one email address and one Steemit account to be in the thing, and then design at least two video-holding channels on top of it... is heavily sugarcoated in its promotion.
Once I spent a few minutes going from surprised to stressed as I browsed around looking for the "create new side channel" button on my profile, it became clear that something was wrong, so I checked the FAQ. Turns out there are some pretty hefty traps if you bring in optimistic expectations like I did. Now, granted, it sounds a bit silly to not check the FAQ as soon as possible, no? To be honest, the list of things I'm about to write are items that you shouldn't have to research an ever-so-slightly confusingly-designed website to be aware of. You should be directed to this knowledge upfront before you sign up for anything, on the page where the signup form is. The list is rather short, so I think it's pretty damn reasonable.
-- You can not have more than one place to post videos on Dtube without multiple Steemits and multiple email addresses.
- Multiple accounts by you, one person, are not permitted unless you pay using cryptocurrency for every account that comes after the first.
-- Once you create an account with your email address, that email can not be changed to another email that you'd rather use.
-- Your Dtube and Steemit accounts are - did I get this right? - impossible to delete from the moment they are created.
Now, with this knowledge, I'm not gonna do anything. I'm not suing anybody or going on a crusade to blackball this website. I'm probably not even going to post on this website again. But do you know how disappointing it is to put all that effort in, and then fall into four traps just because you didn't read an FAQ? Maybe that info shouldn't live exclusively in an FAQ. Maybe it should be much easier to find? I don't care what you say, that was not easy to find or convenient. But moving on, here's this...
When I look up multiple websites about being a video platform and trying to put some rival of YouTube in the market, the one that I pick because it says "trustworthy and allows multiple accounts/channels/I-haven't-slept-in-39-hours-due-to-unrelated-circumstances", should be held to expectations. Expectations that, if not met, are something that clouds a service out of its "reliability" status. With words like that, I should expect that "multiple channels" is a best-case-scenario that is almost-as if not just-as easy as adding a channel to your account on YouTube. Logging in and signing in should be fairly straightforward, which I believe this platform just narrowly falls short of achieving. Any important information about your account should be right there on the page for convenient noticeability, and not just links to the privacy policy and terms of service.
In this regard, I believe whatever this weird, inconvenient fusing of "steemit" and "dtube" has failed. Not other people, I guess, but it's failed me. Somebody who hates YouTube enough to drop almost everything and migrate more than 30 hours of footage of his own creations to a fairly obscure website just to say to YouTube "so there, not putting up with you". Because I'm disillusioned. Not 10 hours of me getting acquainted with this site have passed, and I'm too disillusioned to continue to bother using it for videos.
I still hate YouTube. I still want it to fall over and get replaced by something with integrity. But integrity is not enough. YouTube does not, for the most part, put people into weird traps when they use it for the basics. (Being a 10k subscribed channel earning money is not basic, okay? And I was never in it for that.) YouTube says that it has useful features, and then it provides exactly what you expect from their descriptions. YouTube is convenient and accessible and not as confusing to navigate at all, unless you're using analytics or something. So I can't move here, because while it has all the moral stuff right, I suppose, it's very user-unfriendly and has caused me keyboard-pains (new word, I'm coining it) just trying to get my bearings. I don't speak for anybody else at all. That is something I believe to be one of my virtues. I just say what I think happened when I believe somebody has screwed me up in some way. So use this site if you want. Hell, go nuts, mine that cryptocurrency and upload your videos, it's up to you. But my choice is already made. I don't want to be here. Since I'm already acquainted and set up with YouTube, it's worse for me to migrate here than to stay there. For myself, it'd be like moving from one dystopia to another that I don't even know the workings of. Or like being in both at the same time. I'll find another competitor later on.