Another artist working for Putin.
Mr. Water's lucidity begins to cloud when he comes out of these only two fights, the kidnapping of the journalist Assange and the Israel cause, he declares himself a communist, like his parents, with the difference that he is not a teacher unionist of the first half of the 20th century in London, but of a man who lives in a 1,300-meter covered mansion with a private beach on Lake Sagapona in the New York town of Hampton, where his neighbors are other well-known lovers of social justice Como For example George Soros.
The problem is that from his own point of view, that of a Marxist golfer, all this is the product of labor exploitation, the fetishism of merchandise and the alienation of the masses and that is when the incendiary discourse begins to go out of tune, and that without delving into that his greed has reached the courts; He denounced Pink Floyd because he claims ownership, exclusive ownership of all his creations, claiming from his former associates and colleagues the sum of 500 million dollars plus litigation costs.
In 2023, Water finished taking off his mask after a check in rubles wrapped in a Russian flag arrived, all his "beautiful words" were buried in oblivion when the Kremlin decided that he would be its Spokesperson in the UN Security Council. , it is said that it was an impulsive decision of Putin himself.