Wikileaks Community seems hostile to the state and should be treated as such by the US according to the congresssteemCreated with Sketch.

in new •  7 years ago  (edited)

Spy Authorization Act for FY 2018
Sec. 623. Sense of Congress on WikiLeaks

It is the sense of Congress that WikiLeaks and the senior leadership of WikiLeaks resemble a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors and should be treated as such a service by the US

S.1761 - Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 :

Anonymous does not have much affection for US President Donald Trump. Given the absurd policies , the several allegations of sexual misconduct and abuse of power and psychological operations this position should not surprise anyone.


By the way, Trump claims to "drain the swamp" but accuses Wikileaks community of being hostile to the state because he exposes the truth ? ..

Trump Officially Designates Antifa Domestic Terrorist Organization. But they also reflect to the extent that his own political movement has stimulated violent play. The White House that sold its moral and ethical obligation to represent the citizens of the United States in exchange for people who believe they are simply better than those who do not resemble them or follow their sadistic ideologies. We have witnessed once again the failure of the so-called president to lead. The next day, he broadcasts a campaign announcement, targeting the press and calling his enemies. In perspective, it took him more than 48 hours to call these Supremacists by name and after intense pressure from his party and the nation. Those who claim to defend freedom of expression, but only when it corresponds to their agendas of hate. Those who believe that they are indeed the master race, and that someone else deserves death. Anonymous said he would not stop while this bigotry continued to perpetuate itself.

It was in this period as the Trump campaign emerged that we really became aware of them. More recently, antifa groups, some of which describe as an anti-fascist action network, have evolved from left-wing anti-government groups. They claim to have no leader or hierarchy, but the authorities that follow believe that they are organized by decentralized networks of cells that co-ordinate with each other. " Anarchist Movements ."

FBI Director just made every Antifa a Criminal and Officially designated Domestic Terrorist Organization :

#Snowden : "It's very difficult to respond seriously to anything said by Donald Trump"


The term “sexual assault” means any nonconsensual sexual act proscribed by Federal, tribal, or State law, including when the victim lacks capacity to consent.

Get Help | What is Sexual Assault? | Resources :


Let’s Be Clear Donald Trump Bragged About Sexual Assault :


If you use the name Anonymous or Wikileaks Research Community, you are speaking on behalf of the collective

  • Represents the truth
  • Killed your ego
  • We do not accept that uninformed opinions come
  • React to the facts
  • Opinion can be given on what they have proven and the truth. Otherwise, there is no opinion to have
  • Stand together, individually and at the highest level possible
  • Hold ourselves and the other responsible
  • Unlike most people in the world we understand what life is worth and the responsibility we all have to protect it.


#EdwardSnowden : Speak not because it is safe, but because it is righ


Wikileaks / WL Research Community

User contributed research based on documents published by WikiLeaks. Welcome to the WL Research Community. We are a group of volunteers who compile summarized information from data published by WikiLeaks. Join us as we bring truth to light on some of the most powerful political and corporate entities in the world. Interested in joining? Checkout our Getting Started guide.

Cryptome Archive :

Pizzagate -

Of course, the first thing anyone could do to help the cause would be to contribute quality content to this page ou sur Wiki for others to reference.


Edward Snowden Talks Blockchain’s Role in Curbing Mass Surveillance :

Keep fighthing @AnarchoPirate

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