in new •  7 years ago  (edited)




I agree with Disney firing this guy immediately and without warning. They should have already known about their director’s proclivities and his unusual online culture before hiring him, but better late than never I guess. The people who are clamoring for Gunn to be rehired are wrong.

I am not a political ideologue, I have no party. I think both parties are corrupt and so politics does not inform my logic here. Blue vs. Red is so obviously a divide and conquer strategy to get people fighting amongst themselves instead of the real enemy, the political, religious and financial elites. For me, stupid doesn’t even begin to define my opinion of statists on both sides who spend precious energy hating each other in a civil war of slave vs. slave instead of slaves vs. slave masters. So I am not fueled by political dogma on either side, I am an advocate of human freedom.

I also believe strongly in free speech and the right of comedians to be edgy. Not only that, I think our society has gone WAY too far with trying to derail someone’s life because they made a mistake or worse, were accused of wrong think. The PC culture we have created is smug, puritanical and repressive. It’s risen to a fevered pitch and it’s bad for humanity. But that being said, there ARE exceptions. James Gunn is one of them.

I fully expected to look at the tweets, roll my eyes, and come to my default position: that folks are way too sensitive and here’s another example of a witch hunt that ruins some guy’s life over something trivial. I was shocked to find that not only was I wrong, I have never even seen an example of toxic psychopathy on clear display as when I read Gunn’s tweets. Let me also proclaim right now that I am embarrassed to be a grown ass man saying the word “tweets” over and over like I’m some shallow celebrity reporter on the E channel, but I didn’t name them, Twitter did, so I digress. Moving on.

Even the edgiest comedians out there know better than to make dozens, no hundreds, sorry THOUSANDS of jokes like James Gunn did about the dark subject of pedophelia. Not just about pedophelia but advocating for it and actively normalizing it. Furthermore, it’s comedy 101 that you don’t make fun of the victim, you make fun of the perpetrator. That’s the way you get the audience to come with you on such a dark journey. That's how comedians can effectively diffuse such dark subjects and inject humor. But his tweets were directed at the expense of the victims!

And beyond that, who is to say these are jokes? They are clearly not funny. What if they were just admissions of guilt? What if this is James Gunn's underground culture of pedophile buddies. What if we stumbled upon the tip of the iceberg and this is a Pedophile Ring? Maybe this is the one ring to rule them all Tolkien was actually talking about. Who knows. The butt of these so called "jokes" are often 3 year old rape victims, babies, underage teens and other disgusting and very public ideation.

Maybe he gets off on hiding it in plain sight. Maybe he thinks he's so protected by the Hollywood elites and he thinks people are SO dumb that he can post this in public and no one even bats an eye. Well, James, I hope getting fired clearly communicated to you that an eye has INDEED been batted sir. He was laughing and joking about raping kids, both girls and boys, so he’s an equal opportunity offender apparently. Maybe he’ll pull a Kevin Spacey and play the victim here even though both are clearly the perpetrators and not at all victims.

Anyone who is caught red handed a decade ago, then apologizes, then leaves the offending tweets up for everyone to see for years is, at the very least, NOT sorry, probably exceedingly arrogant, and possibly a sociopath at best if not a primary psychopath. There are many shiny, smiling psychopaths in Hollywood, can we agree on that? Coughs (Roman Polanski) but he gets a standing ovation from fellow psychopaths at awards shows so...

James Gunn also likes to virtue signal and pretend to care about humanity while trivializing and normalizing pedophilia and rape. Pedophelia is happening on a scale that even the most aware would not want to admit. So even if these WERE jokes, which I don’t think they are, why would any comedian make SO MANY about innocent victims of rape and abuse? Just the sheer volume alone suggests obsessive, compulsive behavior. Why would the punchline be at the victim’s expense rather than the perpetrator of the crime?

And why would someone delete 10,000 tweets right after being exposed? Doesn’t that at the very least imply there is something to hide now that the eyes are fixed squarely on him? Pretty simple logic here folks. And I keep hearing how these were 10 years ago. Why does that matter? He never deleted them. He apparently thought it was ok to keep flaunting this in a public forum. 10 years ago is the same as today in the digital realm. That's why the internet is essentially written in ink.

The narrative that these are even JOKES at all was started by James Gunn. So the fact that people just go along with this narrative should at least factor in that sometimes people lie when they are caught red handed to weasel out of trouble. You have to at least entertain the idea that he might be lying to save his own ass here folks! The reason that this case is different than others is that he could be an ACTUAL pedophile. I’m not saying he is, but if I were to guess, I would make the logical conclusion that it’s likely he’s hiding something and should be at least investigated to make sure. There's enough high strangeness to justify further inquiry.

I’m not saying throw him in jail right now. I’m not calling for any violence of any kind. He should be given due process. But there is enough toxic ideation, and I would say at the very LEAST obsessive behavior enough to warrant an investigation. He could be getting out in front of this narrative to avoid other skeletons in his closet.

His tweets encourage and make light of abuse and violence. That’s why this is different. He’s advocating for and normalizing criminal behavior. Even if he never actually turned the corner from fantasizing about raping kids to actually DOING it, the tweets are still normalizing pedophelia, normalizing rape, and seemingly encouraging a culture where children are sexual automatons for the entertainment of monsters. This kind of world building is creepy to say the least! Far too many kids disappear every year under extremely questionable circumstances to make this funny at all.

I am convinced this man is a psychopath regardless of his marginal talent. And people who stand up and support him because they just can’t wait for Guardians of the Galaxy 3 are part of the problem. Man-child nerds who care only about themselves and 2 hours of future entertainment make me want to vomit to be honest. What is like to be soulless? These same bandwagon idiots often attack political opponents for far less, sometimes actively bullying and encouraging violence, even issuing death threats for merely a fraction of an infraction of this magnitude!

But because James Gunn is on THEIR side, politically, they throw intellectual honesty out the window. They clamor for Rosanne Barr and others to be destroyed while supporting 10,000 tweets obsessing about a culture where pedophiles and monsters are the good guys and babies, toddlers and teens are replaceable victims to be laughed at and treated like toys to be used and thrown away.

Anyone that applauds the #metoo movement should also have enough sense of fairness to protect young children too. Maybe we should start a #kidstoo to be a voice for the voiceless. Both deserve respect and protection. But what if someone is so young they haven’t even learned to talk yet, who advocates for THOSE victims? How do they come forward? They remain silent. Who stands up for them? Man-boy nerds? I doubt it. There too busy trying to pay $100 bucks for a picture with Gunn.

Also, I personally don’t like this guy Cernovich who did the research and uncovered these tweets. He's a total douche in my opinion. But even total douches can make a difference from time to time! Even a clock is right twice a day. But the truth is: the messenger has literally NOTHING to do with the message. I don’t care if Osama Bin Laden uncovered this evidence. Quit making the story about the messenger, it makes me think the journalists are covering up for something with that obvious deflection tactic. It's not fooling anyone. I'm looking at you Huffington Post!


Remember, code language doesn't exist, politicians are just always talking about pizza because that's what they do in their spare time. Government always has your best interests in mind. Media never lies. Ignorance is Strength, War is Peace and Eurasia is always at war with Oceania. Can you imagine what would happen if Donald Trump tweeted anything close to Gunn's tweets? I'm NO Trumpian whatsoever. And again, I believe the same force controls both sides, but just imagine how that would go. I'm sure the left would be like, it was 10 years ago! And he apologized, leave him alone! Right? Sure.

So why focus on the messenger in this article and not the message? Again, Gunn has FESSED UP and admitted to writing the tweets. There is no mystery. Cernovich was just the guy that collected the tweets and made an issue of it. So why the deflection? Why make it political? Why focus on the messenger? I see some hypocrisy at the VERY least here. And like Sting said: "Don't liberals love their children too?" Oh wait, no, it was something about the Russians. It's ALWAYS about the Russians.

Gunn admitted to these tweets and he admitted he wrote them. THAT is what the story should be about. It almost looks like some of the mainstream media is protecting pedophiles, like the media often protected the Catholic church before the Boston Globe finally took the risk and uncovered a culture of rape and death and destruction swept under the carpet of the Vatican.

Hypothetically speaking, let’s say James Gunn turns out to be an actual pedophile like so many powerful directors and producers in Hollywood are. Just for the sake of argument, let’s say he turns out to be a perp. Then how would you feel supporting him in all your posts written in ink on the internet? How would you feel knowing you supported this man? Gunn deserves due process like anyone else. I think he’s an arrogant, disgusting human being just from reading how his mind works. Even if they WERE jokes, they are not funny. They are mean spirited and who writes 10,000 jokes about pedophelia but an actual PEDOPHILE?!

So even if there’s nothing BUT that, to me he is still encouraging violence and promoting rape culture that feminists talk about so often. Well, so if you’re a feminist, how could you support normalizing a rape culture like James Gunn has done over a period of years on Twitter? So are your values out the window just because he’s a liberal and a supposed ally on paper? Making a joke or two that falls flat is one thing.

Crafting 10,000 tweets that deal with one subject over and over again is obsessive psychological ideation. I think there could be a LOT more behind this given he is in contact with convicted pedophiles on social media. But that's another story. By the way, the link I included above is just the tip of the iceberg. I read 50-100 of his tweets all on the same subject, some much, much worse than the examples above. But you get the picture. In case you want to see a few more: https://www.cernovich.com/james-gunn-endorses-pedophilia-in-10000-deleted-tweets/

Any psychologist, therapist or FBI profiler looking for red flags would find 10k of them by looking into this guy. He fits the profile of a serial killer to be honest. But at the very least, he is obsessed with the idea of raping underage children. How ANYONE could support this man or lump him into the category of just joking around shows me the human race is so much less awake than I thought, it's horrifying. And if he’s not at least investigated, I have to wonder if the media or the police are helping cover it up. It’s not unprecedented as I mentioned earlier with the Catholic Church and people like Jimmy Saville who had friends at the very top including the Royal Family.

We know there’s pedophelia and abuse in Hollywood. We also know these rings go to the top of the political, financial and religious elite all over the world. Knowing how often children get victimized, let’s just say these “jokes” are not funny at all. For a man that successfully wrote humor, knows comedic timing and also directed one of the most successful Marvel movies of all time, he knows how to write actual jokes.

I'm sure his PR agent advised him to slip the punches by using that horribly obnoxious excuse of dark humor. And all the fan boys buy it. At least he was fired, but the FBI should be looking into this further just to be sure. And by the way, do you think Disney just arbitrarily canned their golden goose that already laid two golden eggs for them? Disney fired him because the company recognized the problematic nature of these tweets immediately. So Disney found enough substantial proof to warrant letting go of one of their biggest stars. Doesn't that say something?

And by the way, Gunn issued several apologies and hollow explanations of why he said these things. He said they were jokes to be "provocative." You're a barrel of laughs James. But if he were actually sorry, why leave those comments up on social media? Why not delete them a decade ago? Don't you think those tweets could trigger victims of abuse and rape and pedophelia? No. He's not sorry. He deleted them a decade later after getting CAUGHT. And not a minute before. If he actually regretted them, he would not have kept them online, period.

But let's be vigilant here. Better safe than sorry when it comes to innocent children I say. Let's get together on this ONE issue regardless of skin color, religion, political leaning or whatever else supposedly separates us. Can we all agree that innocent children have a right to be loved and not abused? Much love and deep respect.


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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Bravo! No apologies warranted Geoff. Its unfortunate that Disney and Nickelodeon dont do any type of background checks such as social media checks like most other employers would require. Great article. Thank you.

Excellent post, G.
Disney is dicey at best, I heard it was controlled by the CIA.
Love your passion and heart.

I couldn't let this one go. I've been pretty quiet of late, but yeah, that story pissed me off. I think the part that angers me is the nerdy fan boys rushing to support this filth. I'm so sick of soulless fantasy culture types ruining great entertainment by having no discernment, no soul, no understanding of right and wrong.

Thank you. It's a hard thing to write about, but I just kept seeing bad arguments on both sides. There is no side here other than keeping kids out of harm's way. You know? I appreciate ya.