@BernieSanders Wants to Flood America With More Muslim Immigrants, Why?

in new •  6 years ago  (edited)

Here is the screenshot of the ENTIRE response @berniesanders wrote to me.


That's it. That is the SUM TOTAL of his response. He expresses his desire & fantasy that I, a White American Woman should blow a goat.

Here is my Response

I have never blown a goat @berniesanders. HOWEVER all those MUSLIM IMMIGRANTS from 3rd world shitholes WHO YOU DO SUPPORT Flooding The USA WITH, they do "blow goats."

@berniesanders interesting choice of words you chose "BLOWING GOATS."

You could pick 100 Normal middle class/working class people from America's Heartland. Provided all of those Americans were true Americans, born & raised in America & white people- YOU WOULD PROBABLY WOULD NOT GET EVEN 1 Of them to have the words "BLOWING GOATS" come to their mind in reference to another White American, Man or Woman, whom they DISAGREED WITH.

Yet here you @berniesanders chose the words "BLOWING GOATS." I think this is another PERFECT Demonstration of the FILTH in your Pornographic Mind. You just expressed one your Inner Fantasies of seeing a WHITE AMERICAN WOMAN Fornicating with a Goat.

Interesting you chose a GOAT. Goats being a favorite symbol the SATANISTS & MANY SATANIC JEWS use for the DEVIL.

Perhaps your FONDNESS for Flooding AMERICA with NON-COMPATIBLE DARK AGE Inbred Muslims also has something to do with the MUSLIMS fondness for Goat Humping?

This is @BernieSanders Endorsing a MUSLIM for Governor of Michigan


Here is another photo of the MUSLIM @Berniesanders supported.


Here is a QUOTE from that Muslim, @Berniesanders Endorsed for Governor of Chicagoan


On D-Day, instead of sending a message in Support of all the AMERICAN MEN who fought, died, were wounded SACRIFICING THEIR LIVES, for a Supposed WAR to SAVE JEWS from the HOLOCAUST

@berniesanders, like any good JEWISH Backstabbing Saboteur used the opportunity to SALUTE MUSLIMS!

@berniesanders supports Flooding America with Muslim Immigrants.






The Russian Revolution was PRIMARILY LED & FOUGHT By Bolsheviks, who were the Bolsheviks? A Large Number were JEWS!





TAXES are for the Little People, Peasants! Not for the RULERS! Remember the first rule of Animal Farm.

All Animals are Equal.

Some Animals are more Equal than others.

The PIGS TOOK OVER! (while all the other animals slaved away top support the LAVISH LIFE of the SUPREME PIGS)


Why do Men from Muslims Countries Rape Goats? They are SICK. Islam is a SICK CULT.

@Berniesanders, who supports MUSLIMS Flooding onto the USA, also Wishes that White American Women "BlowGoats."

This tells me EVERYTHING, i need to know about @berniesanders & those who support him.

When is the last time you read a NEWS report of 8 White American Men Gang Raping a Pregnant Goat to Death?






man goat.jpg




#white genocide

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The goat pic LOL!

Great article Thanks!

^ Psycho trash.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment