OMG, She Is So Stupid

in new •  6 years ago  (edited)

The Socialist Democrat who claims she's a poor girl from the BRONX, but grew up in 35 miles away in Suburbia in a town that is 90% white, set amid rolling hills & has a median family income of over $100K a year ...

who says she can't afford to rent an apartment in DC because she can't come up with first month rent, last month rent & security deposit- BC her Congressional salary of over $170K a year + Full Benefits, doesn't kick in for a few more months- yet she poses for photo's in new $3,500 designer clothes......

Just released another video about how if They Work Really Hard....

"The Democrats Can Take Back All Three Chambers of Congress. "

ALL 3 Chambers Of Congress. All 3 Chambers of Congress. All three Chambers of Congress.

I like this one even better than when Cortex said she couldn't wait to start WRITING & SIGNING LAWS. Congress Signs The Laws.

see video here-

or here-

This person is not just stupid. What do you see?

I see an incredibly LOW IQ Person. One who is also Mentally Deranged. There is some level of INSANITY & CRAZY here mixed with a True Believer Cult Like Mental Status of a True Believer in Totalitarian Socialist Government. Combine that with her Thirst for & GLEE for Power & Control. This is a full blown psychopathic.

The Eyes Never Lie. She Has Crazy Eyes- She Wants to Gain POWER & CONTROL Over You!














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I see a puppet!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The eyes have it - check out this page

Holy crap this is the next trannies isn't it? - Celebs, politicians, and trannies all have three whites don't they?

Once seen, can't be unseen...

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment