U.S. and Russia at the brink of war

in new •  8 years ago 

The conflict in Syria is leading the United States to go to war with Russia. Could we be on the brink of world war 3? For the sake of the world I hope not. How can we stop this madness!!!

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I doubt it will come to open war. The US and Russia have a vested interest in avoiding direct conflict. Putin can gain more by pushing things right to the edge of the cliff but not jumping off it.

I'm more worried about some accidental escalation due to the close proximity of the US & Russian militaries in Syria. There's a real danger of some miscalculation resulting in deaths for one side or the other. But as with the incident where Turkey shot down that Russian jet after it encroached on their airspace, I hope that cooler heads would prevail to keep hostilities from going any further. It's sad that we've even reached this point in the first place though.

I agree if anything will happen it won't be something intentional. at what point do you think things will boil over? If we do have a conflict with russia it won't be nuclear, I think it will be more of a shooting war

The trigger could be something along the lines of: a Russian fighter plane decides to be provocative and put a radar lock on a US plane, which has a nervous pilot that responds with a live missile. Or a Russian plane targets a US warship for a close flyby but miscalculates the altitude and kamikazes the ship instead. Such an event could start localized fighting, which I expect would quickly be brought under control once senior military leaders on each side realize what is happening.

My fear is that Putin could seize on such an incident as a pretext for some long planned strategic action such as a full invasion of Ukraine (figuring that since he got Crimea so easily he might as well take the whole country). It's unclear how NATO would respond in that case, but I doubt they would sit idly by and just watch.