I am on the 4-hour body diet. Basically, you eat sugarfree and super healthy all week long and then they give you a cheat day where you can just gorge yourself. Well, gorge myself today I did. I feel really really tired and lethargic and my brain feels foggy. Did I feel this all the time before I started on this diet?
Well none-the-less getting my daily blog post done today did not come easy and almost did not come at all. I've logged in multiple times today ready to write and felt completely blocked. I have learned so much and have so many questions and so many thoughts. Things I like, things I'm learning. What could be clearer from a first time user's perspective? I'm on two platforms that are both based on social media contributons in exchange for crypto there are things here at steemit that are handled so much more efficiently. Mainly I see higher quality content and interaction on steemit. However, my other platform, empowr has a new user introduction system that gets everyone's eyes on your content immediately. We will see, I'm not choosing one over the other, there is room enough in my universe for them both.
I'm also totally confused about voting bots. I thought they were bad, but then I searched on YouTube last night and people are saying they are meant for minnows and we should be using them. Now I just don't have a clue. I want to do what's right. I don't want to "game the system", I just want to grow naturally and organically with high-quality interaction. This platform has made me want to be better. To become a better writer, to be unique and original. To learn how to be more engaging. I want to learn photography and practice and share my work in photo contests. I want to practice my digital art skill. I've entered a couple of these contests as well. I see so many creative well written high-quality posts here, it's intimidating.
I know if I just keep showing up and trying then eventually I will get better at this. It's not like I could get any worse.