Kathy Hochul might be the worst human being in American politics aside from Tiffany Henyard -- but, Hochul obviously presides over several million more people.
Hochul still insists that crime has fallen her tenure; yet, she's violating the Constitution to try to curb crime.
Seriously, calling in the national guard to perform random bag checks?
Fun fact, there have been more murders on the New York subway in the three years since bail reform than in the previous fifteen years. There have already been three murders on the NYC subway this year.
Hochul has tried to save face by insisting that this move is to make people "feel safe" due to a few "high profile" crimes.
You don't violate people's rights based on feelings. You shouldn't even do that based on a real uptick in crime, which is actually happening.
She's a fucking evil dictator. This is worse than "stop and frisk."
Also, every reasonable person knows how this is gonna go. They're not gonna be checking the people who are demographically more likely to commit crimes. They're going to try to be as equitable as possible. They're gonna be searching grandma's pocket book just as often as they're searching the 14 to 22 year-old male's backpack just to appear equitable.
This is an absurd policy. It's an evil policy. Hochul should be ashamed. Everybody who voted for her should be ashamed.