Deepika Padukone, like Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma and Priyanka Chopra, is going to produce the film. This Bollywood heroine will be seen as a new film producer.
Related sources said that Deepika is thinking of opening her own production company. From there, she expressed her interest in creating beautiful story-based films.
A close source of Deepika said that he had been thinking of being a producer for a long time. In one of the events in 2015, Deepika also told her wishes about this. There he said to be a production company in the future. Now he is going on the way. Although Deepika has not yet officially announced, the buzz is that, Bollywood's popular stars are spending most of the time now to set up their own production companies.
Deepika was finally seen in Sanjay Leela Bansali's 'Padma Vat' Then it was supposed to take part in shooting the film 'Swapna Didi', directed by his big film. Where Irfan Khan is his co-star. But due to Irrfan Khan being ill, the date of shooting of the film has been postponed.
Source: Times of India