WITCHHUNT D. Trump Jr. Next Indictment? HRC/DNC/FBI: Informants, Collusion and the Ukraine #CHALUPA Roger Stone stated today that he has been told by DC…

in new •  7 years ago 


#WITCHHUNT D. Trump Jr. Next Indictment? HRC/DNC/FBI: Informants, Collusion and the Ukraine #CHALUPA
Roger Stone stated today that he has been told by DC…

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dont worry the witches will not be burned, the spirit cookers will just get jail time but looking glass technology will have top be given to local DC law enforcement

pre cog

we read your minds bitches

no mind left unturned

oh you wanmt privacy for your brain? Bettermove to san diego and get Cox Cable EOS home life BITCH

hahaha good story @noloner


I am the alpha pepe

an indictment on a trump family member means all out Deep State Executions so i hope they dont do it they will literally die if they do it from lethal injection for Treason

Russians gave Trump ALL THE DIRT on the FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE AGENTS like MUELLER who was responsible for the ILLEGAL treaosnous uranium one dealHAHAHAHAH bitch stupid OLD man deep state ois OVER we wil have PEACE with Islam and they will serve time in saudi jail for their crimes in guantanamo if they arent carefuyl they better wtchout

Ackza is now friends with Dick Cheney and Project for a new American Century is BACK ON if you all dont fucking straiughtun up and fly right deep state!

More like deep throat fuckedby dick cheney yeah illunleash ALL the neocons including karl rove if you leftist socialists dontback the fuck off Trump!

Space Hitler WILL beunleashed if the left doesnt go BACK to theirunitarian church put on thier Lockheed martin TM Mormon Underpants and PRAY to their Keylontic Scientologist GODS from Paralele earth because the THETANS are over and E METERS are FREE smart wrings made by @alxgraham hahahahaha

I love Roger Stone. I vouch for him. Good guy

Roger Stone.png.