I been watching her this morning. All morning . She is on Utube and has a web site http://dolorescannon.com/
I like a lot of what she says. I love it. I am in tune in what she thinks. I do not know how to do the healing. I belive she is right. I just cant do it. Don't have the money to learn. I would love to read her books to.
Ok you are thinking she is asking for money. No. I am getting a knee replacement. Then retraining. Then back to work for another 20 yrs. I can buy them then. I diveragate again.
So here I am watching her this morning saying why did I not find her early.. The ear th is shifting. We are shifting. I wont to shift with the earth. I notice changes. wondering if that is what we call the mandella effect. Any ways I am watching and learning. Would like to have her communication. Know about a past. I would like to heal my knee and not have surgery.
Someone here found me on a nother site. I found the massage and by the time I was able to replied she was gone. I personally do not mind sharing what I know. Just mite have to wait for me to find your message. I think life is about sharing. I think she has more answers them me. You can try again. I have to be near the computer. so it may take me a while to answer.
Look her up if you are curious.