Ask A Stupid Question / Get A Dumb Answer Game 10

in newbiegames •  6 years ago  (edited)

This contest is always allot of fun so why not do it again. In this game I want you to come up with a Stupid question and I and others will give you a Dumb answer.

A couple examples on how to play :

Question : What is 2 + 2 ?

My Answer : 22

Question :Is the sun hot ?

My Answer: No its a ball of ice that will give you freezer burn if you get too close.


  • Place a dumb question in the comment section.

  • If you see a stupid question you want to answer then go ahead and hit reply under the question and give your best dumb answer.

Prizes :

  • Randomly selected participants who answered a dumb question will receive a Steem-Monster Card.

  • 4 randomly selected participant who entered a dumb question will receive a share of the @steem-bounty

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Steem-Monsters is a digital card game created by @aggroed and @yabapmatt. Early game release has launched and prizes are already up for grabs. Some of the cards in this game have already sold for upwards of $3000. Prize tournaments have started with thousands of dollars worth of Steem already handed out for free. If you haven't yet checked out Steem-Monsters you can do so by clicking here.
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What is @steem-bounty

@steem-bounty is a reward placed on a topic that is distributed to the participants in the topic. 98% of the bounty is distributed according to the votes from the bounty creator. 2% or the rest of the bounty is determined by votes of everyone else that voted on the comments. This initiative was started by @knircky.

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@rentmoney has set 1.501 STEEM bounty on this post!

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Happy Rewards Hunting!

Congratulations to the following winner(s) of the bounty!

Thanks for the cool service @steem-bounty.

Are you a steemit user?

No but Steemit uses me.


No. I'm rather a Steem user

Fair enough.

Thanks man! I'll check it out when I get to the spt website :)

Posted using Partiko Android

When moon when lambo?

I been moon walking all day and will be going to walmart in a few to pick up my lambo.

You missed it last night.

Can Zombies swim?

Yes, but they never want to.

Yes but not in water.

Hey @rentmoney , I do have a question, why do they call it a TV “set” when you only get one?
What happens to the other one? Have I been lied to all this time?

That is a very good question, You see the television was meant to come in a set of three. One for the kids to watch / One for Mom and One for Dad but it was deemed that the popularity of these Televisions were so great that it would be more cost efficient to sell them individually. They kept the phrase TV "Set" as a jedi mind trick in an effort to get families to purchase more then one.

Hmm.. I see. So smart. :D

not sure if unseriously serious

Congrats you won a Creeping Ooze SM cards for your participation in this topic !

It has been sent to your Steem-Monsters Account !

How many times will I bounce on the ground if I jumped off the 5th floor of a building?

Too many!

Once in celebration once you decided not to jump of the building.

You'll know when you jump

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Congrats you won a Creeping Ooze SM cards for your participation in this topic !

It has been sent to your Steem-Monsters Account !

Thank you very much 👍

PS: This is a naked ooze without it's name and abilities 🙈 #nsfw 😂

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Posted using Partiko Android

When did technology get so smart? Smart car, smart phone, smart tv, smart, smart, smart. Boy we sure were Dumb back in the day with our Dumb stuff. So, dumb...

Posted using Partiko iOS

It was already smart, we just didn't know!

Technology has been studying for a long time so it should be no surprise of its increase in "Smarts".

What is a dumb question ?

It's a secret.

A question that is dumb would be one that isn't smart.

(this means you did well)

Each question you ask and someone (frequently a teacher) doesn't like/refuses to answer because he doesn't know the answer.

Do submarines use parachutes?

Yes, lettuce, pickles and onions as well.

Only when it rains.

yes for fishing.. orca

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Congrats you won a Creeping Ooze SM cards for your participation in this topic !

It has been sent to your Steem-Monsters Account !
To view it click--> / Log in using your Steem details/ click collection :)

thank you ..

Whats a contest?

It's one that has contestants!

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Something that most never win.

How do they get the caramel in the caramel bar ?

It's a jedi mind trick.

I'm seeing a comment but @steem-bounty. Does this post has 1.501 steem bounty on it?

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Yes, yes it does.

Oh! Nice. Needed to be sure as it can be a belated April fool 😉

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That is a good idea, maybe my next contest I will offer some free steem and then say April fools its just a joke.

Great! It would be a perfect joke if it's huge. Something like 100+ steem

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hahaha I hope this doesn't go viral

Why do shops not sell H2O?

It was said by the wise shop owners that people wouldn't buy what they can get for free.

Because they're already selling H2OH... It's a trademark issue.

@rentmoney, Why we have to put a question mark while asking a question???????

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That is a very good question, you see the question mark resembles a light bulb and us humans are attracted to light so in order to get our questions noticed we decided to end each question with a light bulb look alike icon which has become known as the question mark.

Thank you so much master. Now i will going to on my light bulb and will going to pass my Universal and Intergalactic Examinations.

Why is the snow white?

Snow is all colors .... we only see the white.
(this is actually somewhat truthful)

Snow reflects all the colors; no it doesn't absorb, transmit, or scatter any single color or wavelength more than any other. The “color” of all the light wavelengths combined equally is white. So all the colors coming out are the same colors that go in, combining to make white light.

They were all out of blue.

Waht if we ask serious questions non-seriously?

Then you would get a seriously non serious answer.


When Binance?

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Anytime is a good time to Binance.


why i am so smart ...?

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Because your mothers last name was So and your fathers last name Smart.

They decided to name you So Smart.

Who is the world's most dangerous and crooked woman in your eyes?

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Mother Nature ....... she is beautiful but can be very dangerous.

Are dragons supposed to be intelligent ?

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The one from game of thrones decided to destroy a chair instead of the person who killed its owner/master/adoptive mother so I'm going to say no.

Exactly, if they had enough brains he wouldn't have burned down the city to see his master killed. Portraying the dragon as matured during that scene was funny. Where was his wisdom when he was burning down the innocents.

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