Steem-Ship : The Full Story + New Game !

in newbiegames •  6 years ago  (edited)


Over that past two and half months we have been playing a clone game of Battle-Ship called Battle-Steem. Before Each game started I did a small free write as an introduction to the game. Below are all the small free writes put together to tell the full story as was written in each game ( Spelling mistakes and all ). We will conclude with one last game of Battle-Steem. Afterwards it will be time to let my ship rest for a few weeks / months and get some prepares done to it.

Steem-Ship : Chapter 1

Last night my Navy buddies thought it would be funny to tie me to the flag poll here onshore. Likely because of a prank I pulled on them earlier in the week. I was tied to that poll for hours and almost given up trying to free myself. Unknown to me at the time, A war had broken out and our fleet had set sail to join the rest of the Navy. In all the confusion my mates had forgotten to untie me from the flag poll.

Eventually I manage to get the ropes loose and free myself. Livid, I stroll down to the docks and all our ships are gone. My anger only intensifies. I noticed they left the small Steem Ship behind that we found floating at sea. Luckily for me it still worked and I set sail.

I see some ships at a distance and as I approach them I realize, that's not my fleet. I am directly behind the enemy and need to pass them to join my fleet. Hopefully the enemy don't see me as I doubt my ship can handle even one hit. Shit, they noticed me and begin to fire. Luckily my ship is so small they miss.

Chapter 2

Hit, one of the enemies shots landed to the side of my small Steem ship and my ship quickly sinks. I have no idea how I managed to survive the ordeal. Luckily for me this area has many small islands and I was able to drift to one using a piece of the shattered debris from my Steem ship to help keep me stay afloat.

On that island I found a few of my comrades from my Navy fleet I have been trying to reach. They inform me their Ship was also sunk and that they already started making a few rafts in order to get off this island and hopefully back to our comrades who need our help. They agree to help me build mine once they are done theirs.

These are small one man rafts as someone on the island had the idea that we all go separately. I wasn't sure if that was the best Idea but I was out ranked and a bit shaken up from this whole ordeal.

Finally our rafts are complete. They won't hold up against any type of damage but they float and our options are limited. We wish each other luck and we all set sail from different points on the island in the hopes that at least a couple of us makes it to our fleet without being seen.

Chapter 3

I am not sure if we were seen or if we were just unlucky and got hit with scatter shots but we didn't make it very far off the island before our rafts got destroyed. I can't believe I survived again but my comrades weren't as lucky. Both saddened by their deaths and relieved that I am still alive I begin to walk the island in hopes I can gather enough material to build one last raft.

I figured the shore line was the best place to start. I begin collecting any materials that I thought may help me build a raft when I come across a hand radio. I can't believe it, one of the radios from our sunken ships floated ashore on this island. What luck, I hope it works.

It does, I am ecstatic when I reach one of my fleets navy boat commanders. I am told to sit tight and that a rescue crew has been sent. All I can do is sit and wait to see if they make it.

Chapter 4

I can't believe it, the rescue ships all made it to the Island without being spotted, Not a single ship lost ! I profoundly thank those who came and risked their lives to save mine. I feel an immense relief and happiness to see some fellow Navy officers.

Conversations quickly change to discussing the war at hand. It seems that no-one knows why this war broke out but one thing is for certain, we are smack dab in the middle of it all.

The happiness and relief I felt quickly subdued shortly after we set sail to rejoin our fleet and the realization set in that being rescued is only half the mission. The rescue boats still need to make it back. I briefly look up to the sky and notice some enemy planes / fighter jets. Oh no, its an air strike .....

Chapter 5

We made it back to our fleet, well most of us made it back. A couple of our rescue boats were destroyed and lives lost but here I am back on my boat with my crew.

By the time I made it back to my fleet the battle was over and it looks like we won. What's left of the enemy ships are retreating. I look upon the sea in amazement and shock at all the rubble and debris that lay floating from both the enemy ships and our own. The situation at hand still hasn't fully hit me and there is awkward silence among the crew as we set sail for home port.

Shit, Pirate ships ! As if our luck couldn't get any worse. Normally we wouldn't have any trouble dispatching of them but with our ships damaged and moral at an all time low I fear the worse.

Chapter 6

The Pirates are winning ..... I can't believe it. I look upon whats left of our battered ships and wonder is this the end ? The events of the past few days flash before my eyes. From being tied to that poll to being stranded on an island, it's been a wild couple of days.

Just as I started to lose all hope, I see a familiar site. Our allies have joined the fight. We might make it out of this battle yet. I was hoping the sight of our allies would be enough to scare the Pirate ships into retreating but I guess it was just hopeful thinking as they stand their ground and battle continues.

Chapter 7

We fought of the Pirates and they are in retreat but most our ships are destroyed or badly damaged. If it wasn't for the reinforcements that showed up mid battle we may have never of survived.

Home port is just a few hours away and numbed by the feeling of war I stand stunned as I glare out to view the carnage left behind as we sail past the battle zone we were just in. I begin day dreaming of the last time I seen my family and can hear the sound of my sons X-Box One playing his favorite game ( Assassin's Creed Unity ) as he mentions he will soon need a new X-Box live subscription. Boom ... Bang ... I am awaken from my day dream ... we are being fired on again. .....

I must have been day dreaming for awhile as we are close to home port and that is where the shots are coming from. Has our base been compromised .... .

Chapter 8

We storm home base without much resistance and minimal damage. We are now on foot trying to re-take whats ours. The echoing of gun shots and the screams of the wounded is numbing and a chilling thing to hear but we push forward inching our way closer and closer to our barracks.

We progress rather easily, a little too easily. We get inside but the place is empty. Shit it's a trap ... The enemy has surrounded our barracks and we're trapped inside. I fear this may be the end.

Chapter 9

After being surrounded while we were inside the barracks we had no choice but to surrender. We were ordered to throw down our riffles and other weapons and come out in a signal row with hands visible.

Once out of the barracks the enemy divided us and kept us captive. I have no clue where the others are but they either have special plans for me or they are running out of room to keep prisoners. As faith would have it they brought me to the very poll my comrades tied me to at the very beginning of this war.

What faith waits for me and the others is unknown but I can still hear gun shots being fired so they haven't captured us all. Hopefully I can get these ropes loose enough so I can escape.

Chapter 10

I been tied to this pool for hours and exhaustion is kicking in. Most my comrades are captured and the majority of our ships have been destroyed.

I see a flash of light and a big bang and then another flash. Great, thunder and lightening , it's going to rain. I suppose getting soaked from the rain is the least of my worries being tied to this poll. I pass out ....

Drip , drip .... drip .. the rain pouring down on me is what wakes me up. Disorientated, exhausted and confused I wake up to the sound of my comrades all laughing. " Wait, whats going on here", I muttered. Someone in the background answers " Dude, you were so wasted last night". Another voice loudly proclaims , " If it wasn't for the lightening we would of left you out here for another few hours ".

At this point I fully open my eyes to see my full fleet standing before me and the realization of it all being a dream hit me. A dream I dare not tell anyone about.

The End !

Battle-Steem - One Last Battle !

Thanks For Reading & Playing Over The Past Weeks !


  • Upvote this post
  • You can only win one @dustsweeper account
  • Contest ends on the 6th day of post creation
  • One shot a day for those who upvote
  • Two Shots a day for those who upvote + resteem
  • Extra shots given to those who discover ammunition or an airstrike
  • Earn a single extra shot for upvoting my comment detailing the ships that have been sunk and what prizes are left


  • Xbox 1 Full Game Downlaod Code
  • 1 share of the @steem-bounty
  • 1 share of the @steem-bounty
  • 1 share of the @steem-bounty
  • 1 of 2 @dustsweeper starter account
  • 1 of 2 @dustsweeper starter account
  • 1 of 5 Resteem subscriptions ( 15 Resteems )
  • 1 of 5 Resteem subscriptions ( 15 Resteems )
  • 1 of 5 Resteem subscriptions ( 15 Resteems )
  • 1 of 5 Resteem subscriptions ( 15 Resteems )
  • 1 of 5 Resteem subscriptions ( 15 Resteems )
  • 1 of 3 Ammo - Fire two shots
  • 1 of 3 Ammo - Fire two shots
  • 1 of 3 Ammo - Fire two shots
  • Airstrike - Fire five shots

Example On How To Play

@dustsweeper fires a shot via picking the letter A and number 1 and entering them via the comment section. My ship is not located on A-1 so @rentmoney will then type Miss under your entry. If you pick the right grid number I will then type hit under your comment and award you the prize located under that grid number.


Pay attention to the other entries to make sure you don't pick a grid number that was already chosen as there is no do overs in war !

What is @dustsweeper ?

A post or comment is considered to be dust if it has a value of less than $0.02. because anything less than $0.02 will not be paid out. So even if your comment is worth $0.019, at payout you will receive nothing. Zero, zilch, zip, nada, nothing!!

@dustsweeper will sweep upvote your comments on the 5th/6th day and upvote it above the $0.02 threshold so you get to collect all the rewards that were intended for you. This initiative was started by @davemccoy and @danielsaori

>What is @steem-bounty

@steem-bounty is a reward placed on a topic that is distributed to the participants in the topic. 80% of the bounty is distributed according to the votes from the bounty creator. 20% or the rest of the bounty is determined by votes of everyone else that voted on the comments. This initiative was started by @knircky


A big thank you goes out to the sponsors of this game @johndoer123 who provided many of the @dustsweeper accounts. @the-witty-waiter who won and then re-gifted the X-Box 1 Game that is up for grabs and @gasaeightyfive who has provided a portion of the Resteem subscription offered. A thanks also goes out to @poyim who has been creating a hit / miss graph and sharing it with everyone.

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Prize Details / Ships Sunk

Upvote this post to keep Prize Details visible and to earn an extra shot at the grid !

Prizes Found / Ships Sunk

Prizes / Ships still in the grid

1 share of the @steem-bounty
1 of 2 @dustsweeper starter account
1 of 2 @dustsweeper starter account
1 of 5 Resteem subscriptions ( 15 Resteems )
1 of 5 Resteem subscriptions ( 15 Resteems )
1 of 5 Resteem subscriptions ( 15 Resteems )
1 of 5 Resteem subscriptions ( 15 Resteems )
1 of 3 Ammo - Fire two shots
Airstrike - Fire five shots

Congratulations, your post received 22.06% up vote form @spydo courtesy of @rentmoney! I hope, my gratitude will help you getting more visibility.
You can also earn by making delegation. Click here to delegate to @spydo and earn 95% daily reward payout! Follow this link to know more about delegation benefits.

H4 and H5

miss with both shots . .

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

L2 L3

Updated Friday 9:20 am EST

miss with both shots ...

As always thanks for the graph. I have upvoted you for your kindness of sharing it with others which will give you a share of the @steem-bounty once paid out.

Thanks!! It's no problem, I make the graph for myself anyways (I'm a visual person). So, I'm happy to share.


miss .. ..



Congrats you found a share of the @steem-bounty
You will upvoted once the bounty is set !


Hit ( C 9 )

Congrats you found a share of the @steem-bounty
You will upvoted once the bounty is set !

Cool! I love this game! Your story was funny.

K4 and N14

Miss with both shots .... I am glad you enjoyed the story.

A new game has started.

🔥 Battle-Steem (Free SM Gold Foil/SBI Shares/Steem-Bounty/TROLL Coins/15 Post Resteem Subscriptions) 🔥

You got a 7.96% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @rentmoney!

Earn 100% earning payout by delegating SP to @upmewhale. Visit for details!


For upvoting the comment I get extra shot

Miss .. ..

L12 thnx

miss ... .


Miss with both shots .. .

B12 & K10

miss with both shots . ...

It was all a dream?!?

E4 and L7

It was ... more like a nightmare ....

Miss with both shots .. ...

Sobs. The true nightmare.

A1, B1, and C1

Great story but I'm wondering how much the author drinks as well 😬

That was the first time I ever attempted to write a story / free write.

I been known to take a shot or two .... They always hit the spot.

I probably need to take one if I want to hit any of your ships

Miss with all shots ... ..

Nice story. What a wild ride... though it was all a dream in the end, that's kind of cheating... Ah well, let's continue shooting the dream ships :P .


I wasn't sure how to make it come to an abrupt end so took the easy way out :P Who knows .. maby the story continues in a a few weeks once I start Battle-Steem back up again.

Miss . ....

You got a 4.26% upvote from @upme thanks to @rentmoney! Send at least 3 SBD or 3 STEEM to get upvote for next round. Delegate STEEM POWER and start earning 100% daily payouts ( no commission ).

M3 - M4

Miss with both shots . ..


Miss . ..

I will say that the story sounds like fun and skip the playing part!

Thanks for the comment.


miss ..


miss . .

J9 and J10

Miss with both shots . .. .

You have quite the talent for writing, Rent. U & R.
My picks I 13 and J10

Thanks that was my first ever attempt at telling a story... miss with both shots.


miss .. ..

G13 and H13 please.

miss . ... .

d9 and f10

miss with both shots . ..


Miss .. ..


miss . ...


Miss with all shots . ...

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Miss with both shots . ..

I1, I8 & I3

Hit ( I 1 )

Congrats you found some Ammo
Fire Two more shots at the grid !

Nice - A2 & A3 please

miss with both shots . ...


miss . ...

Ima check it out. Ty.


miss .. ..


miss . ..


Miss with both shots . ..

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miss .. ..

h6 c17

Miss with both shots . ...


miss ... .

What a fun idea!! We love the battleship game, so forgive me if I overlooked this, but are there actual ships hidden in the grid? Or just the individual shot prizes? For example, is there a battleship that takes up spaces?

In the meanwhile, I'll fire at F1 and N9 please.

Thank you!!!

@rentmoney Nice! We will have to check it out. Been out with a couple nasty migraines and just getting caught up with replies and such. Thanks letting me know!

All one man ships .... One hit finds you a prize and sinks a ship.... miss with both shots.

@rentmoney Good to know- My kids, @tonks & @crowbarkids all got involved. We've got the grid printed up on the fridge. They're all eager to win! Haha!

Awesome ...

  • Thanks to all you for your participation :)

My favourite F8. Thank you.


Congrats you found a resteem subscritpion.
Your next 15 post will receive a free resteem from @gasaeightyfive
It will take about a week before your subscription starts


miss . . .

J3 and D6 please. Thanks! This is fun! -Wildstyle

miss with both shots . ..


miss .. .

Free resteem+ upvote courtesy of @untapentuoreja

Resteemed. This is fun!

J1 and G11 please.

I am happy yous are having fun :)

miss with both shots . .

K8 and E13 please.

miss with both shots . .


A14 and G7 please.

miss .. ...



Congrats you found some Ammo
Fire Two more shots at the grid !

And today's shot is: G9

miss with all shots . ..

Man, where's @poyim I'm missing him this week....

miss .. ...


miss .. ...

This actually inspired me to make something like this of my own. Just give me a couple weeks XD

Hmmm. let's pick K9 , J5, and B4

miss with all shots . ....

J8 L8


miss with both shots ...

You got a 4.44% upvote from @emperorofnaps courtesy of @rentmoney!

Want to promote your posts too? Send 0.05+ SBD or STEEM to @emperorofnaps to receive a share of a full upvote every 2.4 hours...Then go relax and take a nap!


miss ...


miss ..

H3 and M5

miss with both shots . ..

G5 & N4

@crowbarkids found the Assassin's Creed Unity Xbox One Game Download Code. I will need an email address to send the code to. There are lots of places to create a temp email address if you are worried about giving out your current one. Such as

Cool! How can I send you the address? Are you on discord?

Sure I can send it on discord. Here is the current discord I am using. .. rentmoney#6090

Accepted your friend request and sent you the download code and instructions on how to use it.

miss with both shots . ...

A4 & C7 please

Hit ( A 4 )

Congrats you found the Assassin's Creed Unity Xbox One Game Download Code

I will need an email address to send the download code to ( @crowbarmom )

J12 & D3

miss with both shots . ..

@rentmoney has set 0.500 STEEM bounty on this post!

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Happy Rewards Hunting!

Congratulations to the following winner(s) of the bounty!

  • @tsnaks has earned 0.157 STEEM. 0.150 STEEM from the creator of the bounty and 0.006 STEEM from the community!
    Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.
  • @ninjamike has earned 0.010 STEEM. 0.000 STEEM from the creator of the bounty and 0.010 STEEM from the community!
    Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.
  • @mellofello has earned 0.157 STEEM. 0.150 STEEM from the creator of the bounty and 0.006 STEEM from the community!
    Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.
  • @joel0101 has earned 0.001 STEEM. 0.000 STEEM from the creator of the bounty and 0.001 STEEM from the community!
    Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.
  • @poyim has earned 0.151 STEEM. 0.150 STEEM from the creator of the bounty and 0.000 STEEM from the community!
    Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.


miss ... ...

I don't know how often "daily" is, but I'll take N3 and D12 if I can...

Miss with both shots . ...

I use a trust system so " daily " is when a new day starts for you. If I notice someone taking too many shots close together I will simply not count their shots / type miss under their guess.

L5, and L6

miss with both shots . ..

A new game has started.

🔥 Battle-Steem (Free SM Gold Foil/SBI Shares/Steem-Bounty/TROLL Coins/15 Post Resteem Subscriptions) 🔥


miss .. ..

Let's me guess, ahhh....

miss .. ..

Gentleman have you any idea that if I have 15 sp after 30 days how much it is going to give me back?

What do you mean by how much it gives you back ?

  • If you are talking vote value ... currently you need over 150 SP in your account to have an upvote of around 0.01. This amount changes with the price.

It looks a quite difficult question friend.

I have read that they pay some interest just by holding the amount as steemit power.
Simple and compound interest.

So, I was just asking about that? Do you have any rough idea?

I read something similar somewhere but I didn't pay much attention to it. I haven't notice any increase from interest in my account but I currently only have about 139 SP.

Hello @rentmoney, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Awesome .. thanks for the upvotes !

A new game has started.

🔥 Battle-Steem (Free SM Gold Foil/SBI Shares/Steem-Bounty/TROLL Coins/15 Post Resteem Subscriptions) 🔥


miss .. .

Nice story. Thanks for this wonderful mock battleship game. I will miss it.

Now for my shot. KaPlow!!
A8 and B8 !

Thanks for the support .... Its not the end of Battle-Steem .. My ships just needs an upgrade before our next battles :P

Miss with both shots !


miss ...

D5 & L2

Miss with both shots ...

I7 & J14

miss with both shots . ...


miss . .


miss ..


miss ...

L1 L11


miss with both shots . ..


miss ... .



H1 & A11

miss with both ... ..

C5, K6

miss with both ... .

F2 & C14

miss with both . ..

K2 L4


miss with both shots . ...