Earlier, some social media does not appear to medsos (at home) and ad cryptocurrrency digital currencies like Bitcoin and his friends. Facebook, take for example, not long ago the ad blocking cryptocurrency because assessing it as a practice that is misleading and potentially detrimental to the user.
Sebelumnya, beberapa media sosial medsos tampaknya tak (betah) dengan iklan mata uang digital cryptocurrrency seperti Bitcoin dan kawan-kawannya. Facebook, ambil contoh, belum lama ini memblokir iklan cryptocurrency karena menilai hal tersebut sebagai praktik yang menyesatkan dan berpotensi merugikan pengguna.
Shortly after Facebook, Google also took a similar step. The technology giant is headquartered in Mountain View, United States (USA) it also blocks ads binary options or the like, and also digital currencies and menscroll-menscroll are still related to the cryptocurrency. And now, according to information circulated Ubergizmo on Monday March 19, 2018, Twitter will overtake tlah action done two such companies.
Tak lama setelah Facebook, Google juga mengambil langkah serupa. Raksasa teknologi yang bermarkas di Mountain View, Amerika Serikat (AS) itu juga mencekal iklan-iklan opsi biner atau produk sejenisnya, dan juga mata uang digital serta menscroll-menscroll yang masih berkaitan dengan cryptocurrency. Dan kini, menurut informasi yang diedarkan Ubergizmo pada Senin 19 Maret 2018, Twitter akan menyusul aksi yang tlah dilakukan dua perusahaan tersebut.
Medsos microblogging is indeed have not provided the confirmation related thereto. However, it makes sense if the company admits will block ads cryptocurrency. The reason, scam ads more precisely cryptocurrency on Twitter than Facebook and Google. Moreover, advertising is present in the form of cuitan with the sentence that convincing.
Medsos microblogging ini memang belum memberikan konfirmasi terkait hal tersebut. Namun, masuk akal jika memang perusahaan mengakui akan memblokir iklan cryptocurrency. Pasalnya, scam iklan cryptocurrency justru lebih banyak di Twitter ketimbang Facebook dan Google. Terlebih, iklan hadir berupa cuitan dengan kalimat yang menyakinkan.
Just FYI, the fate of cryptocurrency own yet certainly leads to nowhere. The value is only able to freefall at any time. Signs of weakening cryptocurrency s first disclosed the Bitcoin price began declining under US $9,000 Rp 123 millions. In fact, the price of the Bitcoin got there in numbers US $20,000 Rp 268 millions in December 2017. The same value fluctuations also occur when Facebook prohibits advertising cryptocurrency which resulted in prices falling as much as 12 percent Bitcoin.
Untuk diketahui, nasib cryptocurrency sendiri belum bisa dipastikan mengarah ke mana. Nilainya saja bisa terjun bebas sewaktu-waktu. Tanda-tanda melemahnya cryptocurrency s lebih dulu diperlihatkan Bitcoin yang harganya mulai menurun di bawah US$ 9.000 Rp 123 jutaan. Padahal, harga Bitcoin sempat ada di angka US$ 20.000 Rp 268 jutaan pada Desember 2017. Fluktuasi nilai yang sama juga terjadi ketika Facebook melarang iklan cryptocurrency yang mengakibatkan harga Bitcoin jatuh sebanyak 12 persen.