Dr. Who New Season !

in newdoctor •  6 years ago  (edited)

As a long time Dr.who watcher I always have hard time to adjust myself to new doctors and it happened again with the new season I think I don't like this doctor eventhough she is first woman doctor I don't know what to think. What do you guys think about new doctor ? Yeey or Naay ?

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She doesn't look like a dr.

yeah not weird enough

It's more like a cheater

I knew this woman from the Lost and Revolution and i never like her

I don't like her atm but we will see

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


I have only watched a couple of episodes of doctor who so not a big fan.

The series that I am currently enjoying is American Horror Story, this season is probably the best one of all.

I recommend you to watch Black Mirror btw, one of the best series I have ever seen.

yyeah I like black Mirror too but couldn't find time to watch the latest season

Black Mirror is one of the best Tv series. I believe many of the scenarios will be experienced in the future